Chapter 16

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| "She liked him. She liked the feeling of liking him. She felt light and smiley and too full of excitement to think of anything else."

-Freya North, Chances |

13 Hours.

Hermione's POV

I woke up around 7:00 to the sound of movement outside. There was so much to do today. First, I had to charm all of the masks, at least Ginny would be helping. Gin and I were in charge of the last minute things. Draco's job was to go get the food and drinks for the party. Then, we had to decorate, which was going to take awhile. We were going to be busy today...

I quickly showered, and dressed. I found Draco already in the common room, scribbling on a piece of paper. "Whatcha got there," I asked from behind.

"Just a to-do-list," he said without looking up.

"Oh, okay. Well, I'll be right back." He didn't reply.

I went to McGonagall's to fetch the masks for tonight, and she taught me how to charm the masks. All you had to do was say, "Tali," and tap the masks. Quite simple.

She said some elves would bring the masks up for me. I made my way towards the Gryffindor common room. Just as I remember. I walked up the steps to the girls dormitory, and remembered all the years I lived in here.

Ginny was still asleep, so I left her a note.

Meet me in my common room.


Breakfast wasn't quite ready yet, but I would get something later.

Draco's POV

I was in my bedroom when some elves appeared with some cloth masks. They read,

For Miss Granger.

They must not be charmed yet. I went back into my room to get ready for the day.

I was actually excited for the dance. I just had to figure out what Hermione was wearing.


7 Hours.


By 10:00, the masks had been charmed and passed out. After lunch, Draco was going to go pick up everything, then they would decorate. It would be perfect.


4 Hours.

The Great Hall was just about done. There was jack'o'lanterns floating about. The four tables had been replaced with 10 small, circular tables along one wall. The walls were covered with fake spider webs and spiders. The four ghosts were gathered and Nick had invited some others. The punch and snacks were on trays floating among the tables. McGonagall had charmed fake bats to fly above. The ceiling was filled with stars and a full moon added to the Halloween "feel."

It turned out better than anyone could've imagined. All that was left was to ready themselves.


The next chapter will be about the dance, I'll post it later today. Comment and vote!

~Mrs. Malfoy

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