Chapter 29

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Hermione's POV

I sat there in shock. I was totally flabbergasted. Then he was gone. He untangled his hand from my hair, took his hand off my thigh in the blink of an eye. I could pretend it never happened, it was already as if it never did. Then his door shut, and the feeling came back. I couldn't process what was hapening. There was know way that had happened. Except it had. I sat there, touching my lips. They still could feel his touch, I could feel the burning sensation, the tingling, the passion. But now it was come. Slowly fading away.

What if I do too? That's what he had said. He was asking what if. And was I that obvious, that you could tell?  And why did he leave? I probably did something wrong.

I put my hands on the side the sides of my head and screamed. Why do relationships have to be so complicated? Or is it just me?

Ron dies, and Draco is... he's just Draco. That's the only way to explain it. He's one of a kind. I'm not quite sure if that's good or bad yet. This is just so hard. Is it even worth it, to have some winter fling? Because when everyone gets back he's sure as heck isn't gonna want people to know. And I don't think I do either.

So the question is, is it worth it?

I started to think.

Draco's POV

It was physically impossible for me to calm down right now. I had been so confident, but then I ran away. Sound familiar? I thought about punching the mirror again, or the wall... But I don't think that would do any good. I'm not mad. I'm nervous. That's a new one.

So instead, I started pacing. Back and forth, back and forth. I did that until I no longer see straight, and my eyes drooped.

I layed on top of the covers in what I was in. I had the weirdest dream.

There was a knock on the door, and it slowly creeped open, letting an eerie glow cast over the room. It was still to dark to see, but I could make out a dark figure coming towards me.

Slowly it walked towards me, until they were close enough for me to touch. I layed there, waiting to see what would happen.

Hair fell - it was a girl - in my face as they brought their mouth to my ear.

Her breath on my neck was warm and sent shivers through my body.

"Well, I would think that's great."

She placed a kiss on my cheek and I knew who it was.

Then she was gone.

How strange...


I woke up feeling fine, then everything hit me. The cookies, the table, the kiss. It actually hurt.

I ran a hand through my hair, and got up. I didn't want to go into the common room, but I didn't want to go into the bathroom because she might hear, and I didn't want to stay in here, with nothing to do.

I wonder if I can apparate to the Black Lake? Better try than not try at all.

I turned on the spot and if must have worked, because I felt myself appararing. That terrible feeling.

Then I was there. Next to the bench, looking out over the almost-black surface. I shifted and my feet crunched in the icey snow. It was breezy, not to mention the middle of winter, so I was pretty cold.

I turned around and stumbled backward. Just missing the water. My heart stopped.

Hermione's POV

I couldn't sleep much last night. There was to much to think about. But I think I made the right choice. I hope.

When I had woken up, I felt like I had done the right thing.

But when I woke up he was gone. Like usual. Sometimes he was like his old self. A coward who runs from his problems. But he was changing he was getting better.

I went back into my room. An owl was on my bedside table. Who knows how it got there but it did.

The last time we had gotten a letter in here was... the letter.

I launched on my bed, and rolled to the other side.

Thank god. It was still there. I just can't believe I had managed to do something wrong. Although it was right. So maybe not, but still.

Once I relaxed, I opened the letter.


I know you're studying and all, but we were all wondering if you were still coming to the burrow? Let us know.


Was I going? Christmas was in two days, what was I gonna do?

I quickly scibbled a reply, and sent it back with the owl - must be a new one - then went to go find Draco.

Draco's POV

"Geez, Lovegood, how about a warning next time! Exactly how long have you been standing here anyways?"

"Oh, not to long," she said casually while looking around. "Just to see you aparate out here."


"I added two and two... Your room doesn't have the apparation charm. It's the only logical solution."

I opened my mouth to say something, but didn't bother.

"So why are you out here? Let me guess. Hermione?"

"Listen, I don't want to talk about it," I said turning on my heels to face the lake again.

"So Hermione?"

"No. Well- maybe, but-okay but I don't wanna talk about it."

"I'm here though. If you ever do," she said so mystically, you'd think she was part of a fairytale.

"Yeah..." I said. And felt the nerve to tell her everything. "Well..."


"Last night, some stuff happened... and I don't know what to make of it."

"And what is that stuff," she asked sitting on the bench and indicating me to sit next to her.

And so, I began to tell her everything that happened, leading up to now.

She thought for a moment. "You need to stop running from your problems. Have you ever thought about that?" No. "Just talk to her. Well, I must go now. You try and work things out."

Would talking to her work? I shifted in my seat, feeling cold now. The wind had ripped through my thin clothing and chilled me to the bone. After a little while of freezing to death, I heard someone walk up behind me.

"Come with me."


So sorry about the wait, wifi's a bit iffy and I'm soo busy. Eighth grade is a lot of work -_- Ugh. Anyway comment and vote!!!!

"When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny."

-Paulo Coelho, The Devil and Miss Prym


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