Chapter 7

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| "Tension, in the long run, is a more dangerous force than any feud known to man."

-Criss Jami |


Ginny and Harry walked hand in hand to the common room a few nights later.

Hermione indulged herself in studying, though it was only an excuse to distract herself from Draco. She didn't want to think about him if she didn't have to.

Draco kept himself busy with school too. He had been made captain of the Quidditch team but declined. Why, Hermione did not know.

He, too, had a distraction that was working quite well. The only problem was his distraction was Pansy.

Hermione's POV

I was the last one left in the library. I was just finishing up my studies for the night. I saw a blur of blonde speed-walk past my little hidey-hole. I don't think he saw me. He continued towards the Restricted Section. He glanced around to make sure Madam Prince wasn't watching before he ducked under the rope, and disappeared behind a bookshelf.

Follow him, I thought to myself. Yea, maybe I'll... find something new to read. Yes, to help me study. It was settled.

I dashed over to the rope, and slipped in unnoticed. I stalked my way towards the direction I believed Draco to be in.

I finally found him in the back, sitting in the window ledge. His hair was glowing in the white light, and his skin seemed transparent. His head was rested on his knees. As I got closer I could see his back rising and falling.

I started to walk closer. The floor board creeked and he lifted his head. "Get away, Granger," was all he had to say. I didn't listen. I could hear it in the way he was breathing, he was beyond angry. Something was bothering him more than he wanted to acknowledge.

"Don't you understand English? I clearly said to get away," he said through clenched teeth.

But I didn't make to move.

"Granger. Leave me alone. Now."

But he didn't make an effort to make me leave. So I stayed. And sat on the floor by his feet. Eventually he got up and started to walk away.

"I sat here with you, and I don't even get a thank you or explanation?"

He smirked at me in the dim light. "Don't act like you didn't enjoy it, Granger." It was times like this, that he annoyed me the most. Like he didn't owe me an explanation and everything was okay. When it clearly wasn't.

"Whatever, Malfoy, just leave." I waited a little while before grabbing my stuff and leaving.

When I got back to the common room, I avoided his eyes, and sat down on the couch to finish my essay on human Transfiguration; Metamorphmagus, and Animagus.

It reminded me of Tonks and Lupin. And poor Teddy, he'll never get to meet his parents. At least he has Harry. . .

I peeked up at Draco. He was watching me. Just watching me with a weird look in his eye. My cheeks got rosy and I went back to work.

When I finished, I put my stuff on the table, and went into my room. I got dressed and went back into the common room. He was still staring at me. "Do you have a staring problem or something?"

"I'm not the one who's staring," he commented with a wink.

"Oh, okay," I said sarcastic. He was quiet and I was quiet. "Yes, well, night, Malfoy."

"Sweet dreams, Granger," he replied in a cheesy voice.

Draco's POV

I went to bed thinking about what had just happened. I had no idea what was going through my head, but it was kind of fun. Annoying Granger in a non-hurtful way. I'll have to try it some other time.


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