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| "Happily ever after, or even just together ever after, is not cheesy," Wren said. "It's the noblest, like, the most courageous thing two people can shoot for."

-Rainbow Rowell, Fangirl |

"Draco," a very stressed woman huffed as she came down the stairs.

A man, about twenty-five appeared at the bottom of the stairs. "Yes, dear?"

"A little help?" she called from behind the mound of laundry she was carrying.

Draco Malfoy ran to help his wife, taking all of the clothes out of her hands, revealing her fairly large belly that was protruding from her shirt.

"Thanks," she said kissing his cheek.

"Mmm," he mumbled taking the clothes into the laundry room.

Hermione sighed in relief as she went to sit on the couch. Finally her time to relax.

When suddenly, "Momma," was being screamed.

She pushed herself off the couch, and trudged up the stairs to go help her son, Scorpius.

She found him in his room, surrounded by drawings.

"Mommy," he said, looking at at her with his gray eyes. "I finished," he told her with an accomplished smile.

Hermione ruffled his blonde hair. "Great job, baby!" She began to exam the drawings placed around the room.

Most of them were with her and Draco, and a little messed up, but they were her son's, and that's what mattered. Hermione found one of a little boy holding hands with a younger girl.

"What's this," his mother asked him.

He got up and scurried to take the picture.

"This is me," he informed her, pointing at the blonde-haired. "And dis is my sister. I protecting her from dose evil boys." He paused for a moment. "You 'member, you told me about da boys who were mean to you and daddy?"

"Yes, of course, honey," Hermione said. Her heart swelled as she heard her son speak about his unknown sister and how he would protect her and she smiled to herself.

They had done a pretty good job so far.

Little Scorpius went to run away, but Hermione held him back. "Don't you think it's time for bed," she asked, ruffling his hair.


Hermione continued to look at him.

"Fine. Good night, mommy."

"You're gonna tuck yourself in?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, I gonna have a little sister soon, I haff to learn."

Hermione hugged her perfect little boy. "Okay, then. We are going to a party with Uncle Harry, Aunt Ginny and some other people tomorrow, don't forget."

"What about U'cle Blaise," he asked with sad eyes.

Hermione sighed. She loved Blaise like family, but he wasn't a very good influence on Scorpius, and Scorpius had taken quite a liking to the Italian man. "Yes, and Uncle Blaise," she told him, over exaggerating the 'c' hoping Scorpius would get the part.

"Yay!" He exclaimed jumping onto the bed.

"Yes, yes, all very exciting, but it's time for bed," Hermione reminded him.

"Okay, okay. Love you, mommy." He extended his arms to her neck.

Hermione hugged him back, not having to lean down for once because he was on the bed.

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