Chapter 12

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| "I was starting to think, maybe you need to feel your way more through life—just turn off the lights and follow your senses, even if you stumble once in a while. Maybe that's what falling in love is like. Just feeling your way through the darkness until you find something solid to hold on to."

-Katie Kacvinsky |

Draco's POV

My palms grew sweaty as she spoke, pausing often, carefully choosing her words. "Draco," pause, "how are you doing," pause, "here? How are you dealing with everything?"

"What do you mean 'everything'?"

Her eyes flashed me a concerned look, as if she cared. "Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. Your father, for a start?"

"I'm fine," I mumbled, avoiding her piercing gaze.

"I know this must be hard for-" Did she not understand what I was saying?

"I said I'm fine! Can you hear me," I hissed, "I'm fine!"

She didn't peruse after that. "How are things here?"

"Fine," I spat in an arrogant tone.

"Your classes?"


"Miss Granger?"

"Fi-" I froze. A smirk spread across her lips. She found this amazing. I didn't need to answer her. "Why did you let me come back anyway? Aren't you afraid I'll try to kill you too, or something like that?"

"I know you wouldn't. That's not like you-"

"How would you know that," I barked at her, advancing toward her desk, "Maybe I will, maybe I won't. You don't know anything about me!" A tear slowly made it way down my cheek and dripped onot her desk. Though, I don't know why. I wasn't upset, was I? What was it to her anyway, why did she care how I was?

"Draco, I wouldn't invite you back unless I thought you could change. Unless you were different. Unless I could trust you. Would I?"

I mumbled a, "No," staring at the ground, feeling a little sorry.

"There's no reason to get worked up over nothing."

"Yeah, I guess." I glanced towards the exit hoping she would get the hint.

She sighed, "Yes, Draco. You may leave."

I walked as slowly from the room as I could. I just wanted to run out of there. What did she mean about Hermione? Yeah, I got along with her but only because I had to, nothing more. Is that why she made us head prefects, so Hermione would rub off on me? That was not going to happen.

I was on my way to the common room when I remembered I still had classes. Off to Charms.

Harry's POV

We were about to start our charms lesson when Hermione and Ginny came in, all bubbily, smiles on their faces. As they sat down I whispered, "What's up with you two?"

"We get to plan the dance!" Ginny said gleefully, and a little to loud.

Before I could answer, Flitwick was hovering over us. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to begin our lesson."

"Yes, Professor," we said together.

"Now," he began, "today, we are learning a special spell. It is called Amorvenit." Draco suddenly walked in, and hurried to his seat. "As I was saying, Amorvenit... a very special spell, but also hard to master. If casted correctly, the thing you love the most wil appear in front of you, almost like a projection if I may say.They appear as you would normally see them, but if you try to touch them, the image ripples. Like water. It disappears with a flick of your wand. Now to cast it... close your eyes, and focus. Move your wand in a small circle, and whisper the incantatio. If performed correctly, a pink mist will erupt and form whatever it is you love. I would perform it myself but I prefer that you all don't see it. Your homework will be to practice. Next class, you will individually cast the spell for me in private. And don't worry your secrets safe with me. Uh-and for the rest of class... practice your charms? Yes, practice your Charms! That is all."

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