Chapter 48

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| "Because death is the only thing that could have ever kept him from you."

-Ally Carter, Out of Sight, Out of Time |

A lot happened after Hermione was hit by that dreadful curse.

The death eaters had infiltrated the school, but thanks to an unknown source, the school was already prepared with workers from the Ministry and members of the Order.

This person was to thank why it was so easy to conquer the smaller group.

Now that all the guilty death eaters were captured, people were left to return to their dormitories. No one had died - except Hermione - but a few were injured and being taken care of in the Hospital Wing.

Inside the Gryffindor common room, you would find a group of teenagers, scattered around the couches, mourning their loss. Harry was furious because he thought he should've been there, but in all truth, it wasn't his fault. It was no one's fault.

How would they move on? Now that they have lost such a large part of their life? Someone they've known for eight years now? They were just expected to say goodbye so easily...

And Draco? He wasn't hauled away to Azkaban, who knows why, but he wasn't. He was in the Head Prefects common, standing inside Hermione's room.

A few tears escaped his eyes. He prayed that everything was okay, everything would turn out okay in the end.

After a few more minutes, Draco wiped his eyes and went back to his room. There's no need to cry, Draco kept reminding himself, but that still didn't help with the dreams that haunted him during the night.

But there was nothing he could do until morning. Then they would be to plan her much needed funeral. It was such a shame she had to go...


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