Chapter 3

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Hermione's POV

"Miss Granger?" I looked up, Snape had appeared in the picture next to the door. Once he had my attention, he continued. "Someone is here to see you."

I nodded and went out into the common room, to the portrait hole. McGonagall was standing out in the corridor. "Is. everything okay, Professor?"

"Wha-Oh, yes! Its just that you and Mister Malfoy and missed the feast. So, I came to see if everything was okay."

"Yes, we fell asleep, that's all." We had more or less just decided to skip it.

"Alrighty then, some of the house elves shall be up shortly with some food."

"Thank you, Professor." She nodded, and began walking away. I closed the portrait, and began towards Draco's room. I knocked on the door, and heard movement, but no answer.


"What do you want, Granger?" He spit at me through the door. I figured it was safe to open.

Draco was sitting at his desk, reading a book.

Draco's POV

I followed her into the common room. Two house elves were waiting, trays in hand. We missed the feast. Hermione was running to take the tray of food, and then placed it on the table. She then walked over to one of the house elves. They had a big, fat, nose and brown eyes to big for their head.

"Winky! How are you? I didn't know you still worked here!" She gave the little elf a hug. What is wrong with her, what in the world is she doing?

"Winky is okay. Willow," she gestured to the other elf, "has helped me. She helped me with my drinking, and confidence. Now Winky is all better! How is you, Hermione Granger?"

"Oh, I'm alright, Winky. Thank you for the food. And thank you too, Willow." The elf started to bow down, but Hermione stopped her. "You don't need to do that, I was just thanking you."

She looked up at Hermione with big green eyes. "Willow likes Miss Hermione Granger."

Hermione looked back at me and smiled. "Aren't they just the cutest things? Well I hope to see you soon, Winky. Take care."

"Bye, Hermione Granger" The elves disappeared with a crack.

"My god, Granger. What was that all about?"

"Oh-Well, I believe they deserve respect. They shouldn't be treated like dirt. After all, they are kind, and they are loyal. They should at least thanked. Try being nice to them, and they'll be nice to you."

That sounded like a load of rubbish. "Yeah-okay." I said, trying to hide a smile.

She started laughing, "I'm serious, it works."

We ate in silence. I noticed she didn't eat much, but she soon stood up. "Well, I'm full, I guess I'll be going to bed." She turned and headed to her room.

She paused when she reached her door. Hesitation was written on her face but she glanced over her shoulder. "Night, Malfoy," she said quietly before going into her room.


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