Chapter 42

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| "You can never control who you fall in love with, even when you're in the most sad, confused time of your life. You don't fall in love with people because they're fun. It just happens."

-Kirsten Dunst |

Hermione's POV

I ducked into an empty classroom for a moment to just gather myself. I don't know how much longer I can do this. Avoid him as much as possible and when I do see him, pretend that nothing has happened? No.

Ella could help me, I hoped, and there was always Ginny. But we hadn't spoken much since I told her about Draco, which, to be honest, worried me.

Draco's POV

I stared at the girl who had just sat across from me.

I sighed in defeat and ran a hand through my messy hair before talking.

"She told you? I'm guessing," I asked tiredly. But I wasn't physically tired, just tired of hiding so much. I just wished that it could all disappear. And maybe it could?

"Duh," the redhead told me, wiping her hands on her pants. "What did you expect? For her to keep it to herself? Were you hoping that no one would ever find out? I know you're up to something." She paused for a moment. "I just don't know what," she finished, glaring at me.

I stared at her for a while, not bothering to reply. I couldn't tell her the truth and even if I could, she wouldn't believe me.

She stood up and pressed her hands into the table as she leaned over it. "What ever you're hiding," she said, her breath hitting my face, "I will find out."

She pushed herself off the table, and walked out of the library.

I had to admit, Ginny could be really intimidating when she wants something.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes again. I wished that this was all a dream and I could wake up. Anytime now, I thought.

Actually I wish everything had been a dream. Starting with the day I was permanently branded as evil.

Hermione's POV

I nervous walked into the Great Hall, hoping that he wouldn't be there, and thankfully he wasn't. Like usual. No wonder he's so thin, I thought. Not that I cared though...

I sat down next to Ginny. Harry was across from us, and was sitting next to Lavender? I didn't bother to ask. And Neville was on his other side.

I took some toast, and a little bit if eggs with some water. As I slowly nibbled on my toast, Ginny and Harry talked about the upcoming quidditch match against Slytherin. Now that I thought about it, Draco said something about being the captain of Slytherin... But I don't really ever remember him mentioning anything about it? Or maybe it's just because I zone out every time I hear the word quidditch.

As I was finishing my eggs, Ella sat on the other side of me.

"Hi," she said cheerfully, greeting everyone.

I quickly chewed, "Hi," I said swallowing and she smiled at me. "I thought that we said lunch? Not that I mind but?"

"Well, I actually have plans for lunch that I forgot about, so I figured to try breakfast."

"Oh, okay." I turned to face everyone. "This is my, er, new friend, Ella," I said gesturing to her.

She waved and plastered a big smile on her face. "Hello, nice to meet you all! I know who you are," she said extending her hand to Harry, "the famous Harry Potter." Harry slightly nodded, and shook her hand, mumbling a Hi, and his face turned pink. "But," she added, looking at everyone else, "I don't know your names."

"I'm Ginny, Ginny Weasley," Ginny asked, smiling at Ella. "Harry's girlfriend," she added. I slightly nudged her in the ribs. "Just putting it out there," she mumbled.

"Anyway," Neville said, "I'm Neville."

"Lavender," Lavender added, shaking Ella's hand.

"Pleasure to meet you all!" Ella said merrily.

A few moments later, Neville was dragged away by Luna, Lavender left with Seamus, and Ginny and Harry went to go get in some last minute training.

"So," I said, taking a sip of my water, "um, is there anything you wanted to do today?"

"Not really," Ella said, grabbing a piece of toast. "But, it's a beautiful day outside, want to watch the match later?"

"Sure, I just have to finish some homework first."

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you later then," Ella said before leaving, taking her toast with her.


Just a few minutes before the game, when I knew Draco would be out on the field by now, I slipped into the common room to change and grab a jacket.

I changed into a sweater, jeans, and black boots. I also grabbed my cloak, and Gryffindor scarf. As I left my room, I tried buttoning up my coat, so naturally, I was looking down. And of course, out of no where, I bumped into something. Right into his back. Just my luck.


Draco had just walked out of his room, and was trying to button up his shirt, when felt something ran into him. And there is only one thing it could possibly be. He felt his heart skipped a beat, but he wasn't quite sure if it was because he was happy or because she just scared him. So he quickly turned around before she could back away.

Only a few buttons were done on Draco's shirt, leaving most of his abdomen and chest revealed, and Hermione didn't realize she was staring at them.

She couldn't help but notice how his chest moved slightly when he breathed, or how defined the muscles in his abdomen were - but not too much.

Draco couldn't help as a small smirk appeared on his face as she watched her. "Granger," he called, and she whipped her head up to look at him more properly. Draco had learned better by now. He wouldn't bring anything up unless she asked.

"Sorry, I was just, uh..." she stumbled over her words and indicated that she was grabbing her cloak and scarf.

Draco nodded to let her know he understood. They watched each other for a long while.

"So," Hermione asked"why aren't you at, uh, you know, the quidditch match?" She glanced at her watch. "It should be starting any minute now," she pointed out.

"Why-" Draco started to ask, but realized he had never told her. "Oh... Well, when the season started back up I had been so busy with school, and um, I had you," he looked down as he said this. And Hermione's cheeks flared. "So I gave up my spot to Pucey."

Hermione remembered this name, but it was faint. But she nodded.

"Well, I have to go now," Hermione said slowly stepping away.

"Wait," Draco called as he ran to get his cloak and scarf also. He slipped them on over his still not-buttoned shirt. "I can, um, walk you down if you'd like?" He said quietly.

Hermione thought it over for a moment, it was a nice offer, but she was trying to distance herself from him. Not become friends again, that would only lead to trouble. But that is what made no sense, if he broke up with her, why was he trying to be so nice? So, that is why Hermione said yes, she needed to talk to him.


You have no idea how sorry I am, I was slacking off and when I finally did try to update it wouldn't let me, so I had to like reset my account, and it's working again, but it's a little glitchy so I'm sorry about that, hope you can forgive me XD

Anyway, I have a question. Do you like the way I write with switching the point of view (POV) around, or should I just write in third-person (No POV), or what? Let me know! :)

Hope you like the story so far, comment and vote!!

"If no one cares for you at all, do you really even exist?"

Mrs. Tom Felton

(btws, my name is Calla... if you were wondering... which you probably aren't...)

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