Chapter 24

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Draco's POV

With her around, I could forget about the possible problems, and the death eaters, and just everything. I hadn't heard anything since the meeting, maybe something had gone wrong. Hopefully. But lately, Pansy had been sneaking around. Was she in the loop, and I wasn't. I just hoped they decided to keep me out of it.

Hermione's deep breathing made it easy to fall asleep. My insides felt so warm, like they were on the verge of boiling. Her body felt so right pressed to mine.

And eventually, we were both asleep. On the floor, holding each other, like we were different people. Like we weren't Hermione and Draco. Like we didn't care.

Hermione's POV

When Draco came in my room, at first, I wanted nothing more than for him to leave. But when he started to leave, I realized I couldn't be alone. And he may have been Draco, but at the moment I just needed someone to cry on. He didn't even care that I wouldn't tell him, he just held me and let me hold him. It was just what I needed. I remember falling asleep in his arms, feeling better than I had.  He just had an effect on me, to make all the sadness leave and then fill me with this new sense of happiness.


I woke up feeling new. Like I was starting out fresh again. A new day. But something was different. I looked around. I was in my bed, under the covers. Draco was gone.

I wonder why he did that? Always leave like that?

He probably didn't want to face the consequences. I couldn't blame him. What would we do if we woke up next to each other? Act like it wasn't anything out of the ordinary?

I layed in bed a few more minutes before getting up.

I grabbed a towel and moped into the bathroom. I opened the door, and steam poured out. Once it cooled, I found Draco by the sink. He was only in a towel, wrapped around his waist, touching up his face with his wand. His body was still wet so it looked like it was glowing. I've seen him like this plenty of times by now, you think I'd be used to it.

But every time I saw his chest, water running down, muscles glistening in the light, he took my breathe away. I tried to look away before he noticed, but I couldn't pull away just yet. The muscles of his back, tensing and untensing as he moved. No! I quickly looked away, as he turned to look at me. He didn't say anything about last night, or anything for a matter of fact. He just looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. We were so alike, but so different. He walked into his room and closed the door. I walked over to the sink, and looked at myself in the mirror.

My hair was a bushy mess, my face was a bit swollen, and I looked horrible. No wonder he was staring at me. I look like a freak. I undressed and turned on the hot water. It felt so good to have the water wash everything away. All the memories from last night, fresh in my mind. Why couldn't he make up his mind. It was like he was two different people. Oh well.

I got out of my unusually quick shower and went into my room. I got dressed in jeans and a long sleeve, and went into the common room.

I was just so confused. He made it confusing.

What was there to do over break? Well if I had a boyfriend...

No! I mentally screamed. Don't think like that. Especially not about him.

Sorry that this is so tremendously short, but school started today. Ugh, I know. But I already have homework, and then I have soccer till 6 so... yeah. Busy day. But since I promised, after break is over, I'll bring in my new character. I have everything worked out about the character except the name. If you have any suggestions let me now. Thanks for reading! Comment and vote ;)
Omg, he can't get any more perfect. But I say that every time...

"And to me, fame is not a positive thing. The idea of being famous is a lot better than the reality. It's fantastic when you go to premieres and people cheer you, but it's not real. And it's totally not my approach to get my name on a club door just because I can."
-Tom Felton

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