Chapter 19

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Hermione's POV

The next week was just as bad as the first one here, maybe worse.

I rarely left the confinements of my room unless I had to, and Draco, wherever I was, he wasn't.

That was, until, friday night. I was in the Great Hall "eating," and I heard some voices giggling from the Slytherin table. I looked over and my heart swelled.

Pansy was in his lap, her arms draped around his shoulders, her head titled back laughing. Was I that easy to forget about?

Tears pooled in my eyes. I excused myself, and ran out of the room before anyone could see.

I went back to my room. I was safe behind the locked doors. No one could hurt me here. Unless I let them.

Draco's POV

After the scene in the library, Hermione locked herself in her room, so I spent most of my time out by the lake.

Where I made a new friend.

I can't believe everything we had was gone. I was so pissed at myself.

Friday evening, at dinner, I was sitting at the Slytherin table, by myself, but apparently Pansy hadn't given up, like I thought.

Out of nowhere she got the idea to come plop down in my lap like she owned me. I wasn't her bitch, if that's what she thought.

"Get. Off. Me," I spit at her.

"Oh, Draky," she cooed, "Why are. you always so bitter? Why do you always push me away? Isn't this what you want."

"You're definitely not what I want," I said trying to push her off me.

She threw her head back and laughed. "See, Draky? That what I mean!"

There was a loud sound of a bench being scooched out, and everything seemed to stop. Except Pansy's big mouth.

Hermione's head was tilted down as she quickly ran from the room. Had she seen Pansy?

I roughly shoved Pansy to the floor and got up to follow her.

I could hear Pansy screeching voice behind me, but I kept on going.

By the time I caught up to her, she already had the door locked.

I could hear muffled sobs through the door. I knocked three times before she answered. "Go away!"

"Hermione, just listen to me," I begged, "It wasn't what it looked like!"

"Sure it wasn't," she cried. "Just leave me alone!"

"Not until you let me in."

"That's not happening."

I sat down and leaned my back against the door. "Like I said, I'm not leaving."


Why could nothing go my way? Was the universe constantly working against?

I doubt she would forgive, or a second chance. It was ruined, all over.

For the next hour or so, I sat uncomfortably on the floor by her door, listening to her quiet cries, knowing it was all my fault.

Finally, the cries stopped. I heard movement inside and the door opened. She seemed suprised to see me still there. "I said I wasn't moving," I told her, getting to my feet.

Her eyes were all red and puffy, her hair was dishelvedd, and her nose was running, but I wasn't any less attracted to her.

Her beauty ran deep.

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