Chapter 47

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| "Despise not death, but welcome it, for nature wills it like all else."

-Marcus Aurelius |

When Hermione woke up - minutes or hours later, she did not know - everything was completely black. As she tried to move, she found that her hands hand been bound together, and she couldn't move her legs. Hermione wriggled around and eventually gave up in defeat. She had no idea what she could do. As she sat up and leaned up against what may have been a wall, she heard movement. She couldn't see, so she strained her ears to listen.

"Hello?" she called softly. "Who's there?"

Hermione heard someone walking towards her. There was the unmistakable click of heels on the floor.

As the woman roughly grabbed her arm and yanked her to her feet, Hermione tried to yell in protest. As the words left her mouth, she felt the grip of the woman tighten, and she knew they must be apparating. In worries of being splinched, Hermione leaned into the woman she did not know, and felt herself being pushed and pulled in all directions before stumbling onto solid ground.

The woman dropped her arm like it was filth and walked away. As she walked Hermione heard the familiar crunch of sticks, and she knew they must be outside.

Somewhere close, she heard people talking - more like arguing - about a boy. But Hermione wondered who?

Suddenly her blind fold was removed, though it didn't help much. It was so dark Hermione could only see a few feet in front of her, which, in this case, was trees and branches scattered among the forest floor. She guessed they were back in the Forbidden Forest, but had no idea how the woman had apparated onto Hogwarts.

Hermione checked to see if she was still unable to move, and she was, so she focused on listening to the conversation.

"-is he now?" She heard a familiar voice ask.

"I don't know, probably with that Avery girl, why?"

"Who knows if we can trust him," the woman hissed. "I've heard that he's been sneaking around with that filth, Merlin knows why. And if you ask me, I wouldn't disagree. He's seems to be a lot more sympathetic to her." Hermione tried as hard as she could but she couldn't make out the woman. She knew that voice, just couldn't picture her.

Hermione wasn't stupid. She had already figured out what they were talking about. It had been her and Draco. Her heart was racing inside of her chest at the thought of someone figuring out. It could be dangerous for both of them. Especially now, seeing as Hermione was kidnapped and these people were having doubts about Draco.

Thoughts raced through her mind as she thought of Draco. Wondering where he was. Was he close?

Draco may have hurt her before but right now, she wouldn't mind seeing his face right now. Anything that would bring her some sort of comfort. But no, she was stuck here.

"Draco? With that mudblood," a man sneered. "Get real, Pa-"

But Hermione didn't here the rest seeing as someone suddenly appeared next to her. Hermione could feel their breath on her neck, but was too scared to look yet. She prayed it was Draco, but already knew it wasn't.

As she slightly turned her head, she saw the familiar face of Ella, and her heart fluttered, knowing there was hope.

"I'll get you out of here,' Ella whispered harshly. "Take this, I'll be back," she added, thrusting Hermione's wand into her hand.

Hermione heated up the tip of her wand and singed the ropes bonding her wrists. Savoring the feeling of being able to move, Hermione whispered the counter-curse for the leg lock. She was free to move, but decided that was not a wise idea. She didn't know what was waiting for her after the two people in front of her. Or how to get out of where ever they were.

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