Chapter 22

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Draco's POV

The day came, and I prepared for her to leave.

We stayed in the common room most of the day. I tried my best to make conversation and sound interested."So you watch pictures move in a box?"

She giggled momentarily. "Yes, Draco. We watch these things called shows, and movies. It's like reading a book, except in pictures. And there's tons of them."

"Well that doesn't make much sense. Why don't they just read the book?" I would much rather read a book than watch it on this television thing so was trying to explain. I have to admit, these muggle contraptions are quite interesting. There was this thing, a telephone, where you could talk to someone even if you're not at the same place. I wanted to see that one."You like books, do you?" She asked questionably.

"Uh, yeah, I guess. How else to pass the time?"

"What kind of books do you like?"

I had this thing for romance novels. Especially ones between purebloods and muggles. They just related to my life so perfectly. But she didn't need to know that. Someday. "Anything really," I said instead.

"Oh, me too. But my favorites are love stories. Like Romeo and Juliet. Remember that one?"

I did. That was the only book I've read by a muggle, but it was still very good. "Uh-huh."

"So..." she whispered all of a sudden."What's it like living without magic? Like who does the cooking and stuff?"

We talked for a while longer. I was quite suprised how similar we might be at school, but at home, we lived completely different lives. She told me about some of the muggle activities. The one I think was called Baseball seemed quite fun. I'd have to ask her to play. If we ever got the chance.

The train was leaving in a half hour.  She had just gone into her room and I was waiting for her to come out. I wanted a goodbye. I at least deserved a goodbye.

Only 20 minutes left she still was in her room. Then, with 15 minutes to spare, she walked into the room. In a white sweater and jeans. She didn't have anything with her? She must have taken her things down earlier. I got up to say goodbye.

She looked at me momentarily and smiled. "Bye," I said casually.

She smiled before walking away. No goodbye?

Had I done something wrong again? But then why had she smiled so nicely? God, what had I done?

I stood there for quite a long time, trying to think if I'd done something.

The day had seemed so perfect. I hadn't lost my temper or said anything that I didn't mean to. Maybe I hadn't done anything. Maybe she was just being Hermione and being weird.

I was about to sit back on the couch when the portrait jole opened. Hermione stepped in, smiled and waved.

"Hermione, what are you doing here? You're gonna miss the train! Come-"

"No I won't."

"But, yes you will."

"No I won't," she said smiling.


"Because I'm not going," she said as if the answer was obvious.


"Because." She answeted and planted herself on the armchair.

I didn't question her any further. I would find out sooner or later. Maybe she got into a fight with Potter or something. Who knows.

Hermione's POV

I think I had made the right choice in staying. He had made me so happy when he was asking me questions and talking. We never really had full conversations like this one. He seemed so eager to learn more. Just like I would picture myself. I think he was really trying. He was trying to change. I could help him there.

I hope he would be glad I stayed. Once he realized it had been for him."Want some lunch?"

"Sure," he relied from the other chair.

"Lets go then."

There was only a few people left at the school. Literally no one was at the Slytherin table.There was a handful of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Among them, I seen her shining blonde hair.

"Luna," I asked, "what are you still doing here?"

"Father cancelled. But what are you doing here?" She asked in that dreamy voice. "That is the more important question."

"Uh-I, I er..." I stuttered.

"Is it Draco?"

I felt my cheeks flare up. "No," I tried to sound stern.

"Sure," she said, unconvinced.

I took a seat at the Gryffindor table. I was the only one left in my year. Then there were a couple first or second years, and that was it.

It went by pretty slowly with no one to talk to. I wonder why Luna had sat at the Ravenclaw table. She usually sat here. Why not today?

My eyes met Draco's. They stayed locked on eachother until someone had blocked the path.

"And you said it wasn't him." She shook her head and walked away.

When I wasn't near him I got this feeling in my stomach. Like it was aching for him to just be near. Screaming out for him. It was just something I couldn't control. Though, I don't think I want to. It was fine the way it was, wanting Draco.

I met his eyes once more. He flicked his eyebrows before getting up. I took that as the signal. I took a sip from my juice and headed in that direction.
So... let me know what ya think :) What is going to happen over this long break? Allll alone...? And I have an idea. If I can get 800 reads and/or 100 votes, I'll introduce a new character!!! :D
""I'll take my clothes off-whatever the job requires."
-Tom Felton

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