Chapter 34

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Draco's POV

Christmas break passed relatively fast and I could begin to forget what happened. Well not really forget, but pretend. The guilt just became less intense and I could pretend it wasn't there. But at times it killed me. Like when she commented me on something it's like, You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what I was doing.

Everyone returned tomorrow, and I don't know what's gonna happen with us. Things were starting to feel normal. When she wasn't here, I wished she was, which is something I shouldn't be doing. I'm just gonna end up screwing myself in the end. After all, we're not meant to be together, can't she see that? And we definitely can't be together once this falls into place. They said I would know when things were starting up, and that would be my cue.

There was a knock on the door, and she came in quietly. "Hey," she said quietly taking a seat on the bed next to me, "I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner here tonight, since this is the last night of break and all... I just thought it would be nice."

"Yeah, sure," I told her. I looked up into her big, brown eyes. They were so warm, and full of emotion. The way she looked at me, it felt like she was begging for answers. Pleading for something. The longer I stared, her cheeks tinted a slight pink. She looked down.

I realized something then. She was so trustful. She found something worth while in everyone. She could find the good in people, even if you thought there wasn't any. She just trusted everyone. Her time was dedicated to everyone else. On the outside, she's strong, but that's only appearance. Her flaw is that she doesn't know evil. She doesn't know the things people do. She only thinks of the good. She's too innocent. That's her weakness, and if someone found out about that, she would be wrecked.

Hermione's POV

I was excited for everyone to return to Hogwarts, but also a little upset. What about Draco? Things are going to be different between us now that the others are going to be back, can he accept that? I think he can, he really seems different.

I had talkes to Honey earlier this afternoon and arranged everything for dinner tonight. I led Draco out to the dining room. It wasn't anything fancy, just a few candles floating about, but it looked romantic. "Granger, you didn't have to do this." He looked around, and I blushed a little.

"It's nothing much, just some simple spells."

He awkwardly walked over to me. He looked deeply into my eyes. "I love it," he whispered. His lips brushed mine for a second, then he twirled me around.

I let out a laugh and he smiled. This is what I've been looking for, I thought as he held me. All this time, seven years, we've hated each other, and now, now look at us. If someone told me not even a year ago, that I, Hermione Granger, would like Draco Malfoy this much, I probably would've hit them and walked away, laughing about how crazy they are. I could never have imagined this, but that's how life works. There's some ups and downs, twists and turns, but it all works out in the end.

I just never thought I could like someone so much. Maybe even love, someday.


After dinner, I led Draco over to the fire, and layed down.

Our sides were pressed together, my head on the crook of his neck. I could hear the beat of his heart. He made me feel whole again, like I never thought I could be again. Somehow, the arragont, good-looking, lonely boy, made me whole. Different.

"What do you think," I asked after a while.

He didn't answer right away, just thought. "I don't know," he said quietly after a while. "I don't mean that in a bad way or anything it's just, I've never felt like this before and I don't know what it means." I could live with that, it wasn't anything bad. "But, I think it's good. Because I just get this feeling, I just can't describe, but I'm pretty sure it's telling me I'm right. That you're right," he whispered, pressing his lips on the top of my head.

I smiled to myself. I knew exactly what he meant. Things were going so well, but the beginning always seems good.

As I was falling asleep, I thought about the diner. I still didn't have any solutions to what had happened. I knew he had lied, but I wouldn't pressure him, he can tell me on his own when the time's right.

At least this will be a "normal" year, now that Voldemort's gone, I thought drifting off. It's just him I have to think about.


Hehe, sorry it's late, I didn't keep my promise. I was grounded and crap so I had to secretly write this a little at a time...Okay, sorry it's short, but I didn't want to leave you with nothing. Anyway I just needed to end Christmas already, it was wayyyy to long, sorry about that. Anyway, the next few chapters are going to be good :) The next chapter will be pretty long to make up for all my slacking, so sorry if it's a little behind schedule ;) Comment and vote!

"My father will hear about this!"

-You Should Know ;)


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