Chapter 31

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Hermione's POV

I woke up feeling good about last night. I had friend for Christmas.


I looked around, owls were on my table and the unsent presents were on my dresser. I scooped them and ran to the owlry. I picked two owls, attached everything and shooed then out the window.

"Hurry up," I yelled after them. Now that I felt more relieved, I mosied my way to the common room. Draco wasn't up yet so I went into my room. Now, I could open my gifts. I went for the letter first.


Thinking of you on this Christmas day. Wish you were here!


Ginny, Harry, George, Bill, Charley, Fluer, Ashley, Teddy, Molly, and Arthur

Everyone was there this year. And I had heard Bill and Fluer had a baby girl, that must be Ashley. I wonder how little Teddy's doing. I sighed and opened my gifts. I wished I could have made it... but I guess it worked out in the end. You lose some, you gain some.

A sweater from Mrs Weasley, as expected, a picture of Harry, Ginny, and I on my birthday from Harry, a locket with a picture of Ron from Ginny, and a dragon tooth from Bill and Fluer. The last one really hit me hard. There were new items from the joke shop, and a little note.

He had started these a long time ago, and I finished them last week. I remember him telling me that he wanted you to be the first on to have them. You were special to him.

Now I wasn't so cheerful anymore. I put my stuff on my bed and there was a knock on the door.

I opened it and Draco was there. "I, uh, well- this is to, er... I just didn't plan this to happen so..." He looked down at the tray in his hands. There were chocolate chip pancakes - my favorite - eggs, toast, bacon, eggnog and hot cocoa. To top it off there was a vase with some holly, and a candy cane. It looked so Christmassy, and yummy.

I gave him a warm smile, "I love it," I told him, standing on my tiptoes to give him a peck on the cheek. He flinched but this was new. To both of us.

I grabbed the little box holding his present and sat on the bed - after moving everything on the floor. He stood in the doorway still so I patted my bed.

"Yeah, uh, okay."

He awkwardly sat next to me, far away, and placed the table in front of me.

It's so cliche, but I love it!

"I got you this..." I said extending my hand out, "You, er, don't have to give me anything back..."

He opened it, and studied it for a while. His lips slowly curved into a smile, "I love it," he whispered. "Thank you Hermione."

I blushed a little, "Aren't you gonna put it on?" He did. And he watched me while I ate my breakfast. "Aren't you gonna eat," I asked.

He shook his head, "Nah, I already ate."

"Oh." So I finished my breakfast. He was still staring at me. "Is there a problem?"

"No. But I like watching you. You're just so... beautiful. And now that I've realised that, I can't seem to look away."

I looked up at him, no doubt my cheeks scarlet. I couldn't help to lean over and kiss him lightly on the lips. He didn't seem so frigid this time.

I finished my breakfast, and took the tray into the kitchen. I'll take care of it later. "So, uh, would you like to go to Hogsmeade or something today?"

He flinched. "I, uh, no offense or anything, but I don't think that's a good idea..."

Oh yeah. But... Ding, ding, ding! "I have an idea. Get dressed." Then I winked, and he was confused but I shooed him away. I got dressed in some legging, a light green sweater, and some boots. I quickly braided my hair, and went into Draco's room.

He was in a pair of dark jeans, and had two shirts in his hand. Both button ups, a blue one and a black one.

"Which one," he asked while holding it up.

"Hmmm... I'd say the blue."

He tossed the black one onto the bed, and slipped the blue one over his shoulders.  I noted the way his muscles moved, though I didn't mean to stare.

Once he was ready, I grabbed his hand in mine.

"Ready?" I asked.

"I guess."

I gave him a smile, he squeezed my hand and looked down at me - considering he was a decent amount taller. His hair fell across his forhead with this side-sweapt look, and his eyes didn't seem so lifeless.

And it's because of me.


Before you scream your heads off just know that I'm VERY busy, so there's no way I'm gonna be updating everyday, but every other day, or something like that. Hope you likey :P Comment and vote!

"How do we escape this labyrinth of suffering?"

-Looking For Alaska, John Green


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