Chapter 15

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That was one of the worst days of my life.

Of course the first was when I had to watch my boyfriend get whipped and see him in pain.

Cory said that's he wants to live his entire life with me. I of course said "duh."

But then he said something shocking. "Well then shall we start now"

"What do you mean?'' I ask.

"Casey Ryans, will you move in with me."

I gave him a blank state for a while and then screamed "fuck yeah!"

"Lets actually both move"

"To where?"

"Is the beach house okay?"

"I think you already knew what my answer was going to be"

"Hmm let me guess, fuck yeah!''

"Spot on" I chuckle.

After days of packing and moving we finally finished.

Then first day the first thing we did was buy me a bikini. "I'm not coming out in this." I say

"Oh yes you are" I hear Cory say from the other room. He walks into the bathroom and says "Ey sexy"

"I look stupid"

"You look hot."

I take my hair down and we head to the beach.

When I walk in the water it is surprisingly warm. I give Cory a hug and then dive under pulling him with me.

When we reach the surface we are coughing and laughing.

When we finish swimming we lay in the sand and bake our skin. I lay on top of Cory and kiss him.

After we are done at the beach, we go straight to the ice cream parlor. We eat our ice cream in our wet bathing suits and we don't even care what people think.

"I wish you could wear that forever" Cory says.

"Pervert!" I yell playfully. Everyone looks at me and I just start laughing at them all.

When we get back to the house we change into our normal clothes. I lay my head down in Cory's lap as we watch the hunger games.

"If me you Jacob Jess Kylie and Kailey were all in the hunger games who do you think would win" Cory says.

"Jess duh"

"Why do you say that?"

"She could bore them to death talking about random shit."

"You're stupid"

"Yet you love me anyway"

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