Chapter 6

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Btw I am a writer who like to put many twists and mysteries in my stories so don't get to shocked or mad when there i a giant twist in one of my stories.


3 weeks later

Cory and I have gotten to know each other better and I now know that I am in love with him. But he doesn't need to know that yet.

Cory comes to my house after school and he says he is taking me somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

''You'll see" he says.

"I want to know now!"

"You're very inpatient."

After hours and hours of driving we finally reach where we are going.

"A beach?" I ask

"Yes" he says

"But I didn't bring a bathing suit.''

"You can use my sisters it's in the beach house."

Beach house!?!? How rich is this dude?!??!

When we go into the beach house, I go to the closet and I put on a pink flowered bikini.

When I come out if the bathroom, Cory is already in the room in nothing but his sandals and bottom suit. I can't help but notice how skinny and muscular he is. I guess you could say he's... faboolus (I spelled it like that on purpose). When we go out side I turn to him and say ''I can't go in the water, it's too cold."

"How do you know if you don't try?" he says.

"I can't do it I just know"

The he scoops me up and holds me by my stomach while I'm laughing and screaming "CORY PUT ME DOWN!"

He has the biggest smile I have ever seen. I have never actually seen him smile.

When he walks in the water it gets about to his waist until he throws me in. When I come up I am coughing and we are both laughing.

Then I think to myself this is my chance to get revenge. Just then I push him down. He makes an awkward noise and the he falls in the water. When he comes back up I am laughing so hard that I can't breath.

When we get out the water we lay on our towels in the sand. We just talk about the weirdest things and we have so much fun.

Then he looks at me and says "can I tell you something?"

"Anything" I say.

"There's this girl at school and I really like her" that hurts me. It feels like there is a whole in my chest.

I try not to show my emotion towards him and I say "uhuh"

"How should I ask her out?"

"Well It depends on her personality" I say "if she is very proper you have to properly say 'will you go out with me?', if she is a popular girl you have to say 'yo bitch you gon' date dis or nah'" I say in a playful tone "if she is a fun and silly girl then you just go straight up to her and kiss her, and then she'll know." He nods his head in understand.

Then he turns to look at me and says "you think that will work?"

"Totally" I say

"Ok then" he says taking a deep breath. He comes close to me and gives me a long big kiss.

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