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 Ok I honestly don't know how the hell it happened but between chapters 3-14 are all out of order and chapter 6 is missing! I seriously have no clue what happened! Everything was in order yesterday when I uploaded but now it's seriously screwed up! And there's also duplicate chapters! Does anybody know how to fix this? I really don't wanna have to start over! I'm really really sorry! If you want the story to make sense hit the three lines on the upper right corner to bring up the chapter numbers! Again I'm really really sorry!


Feel free to leave comments on my story. Thank you for reading!

Damn it! This is the third night in a row I can't sleep because of this stupid cough! I can't get comfortable because it hurts my chest and head. Nothing I take is helping either.

I think I need to go online and find a doctor I can see tomorrow! I've got to be careful not to wake up Kyle though.

Kyle is my boyfriend but sometimes I think I'm more like his slave.

I get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen. I make myself a cup of tea and sit in the living room with my laptop.

Hmm let's see Dr. Alexander works out of the hospital. Ok I'll call first thing in the morning after Kyle goes to work.

"Wake up! It's 7:30 I leave in 30 minutes and you're still asleep? Geez you lazy bitch you don't do anything all day how can you still be tired."

"I'm sorry Kyle I forgot to set my alarm."

"It better not happen again! I except dinner to be ready when I get home and this place to be spotless! I'm leaving now I'm sick of looking at you."

I know what you're thinking leave this asshole! I would if I could but every time I have he's found me. His dad is also a cop so reporting him does no good.

Ok since Kyle's gone I'm going call up that doctor.

"Thank you for calling Dr. Alexander's office how may I help you?"

A very deep silky voice answered the phone. Damn hot sounding receptionist.

"Um yes my name's Jade McManus I've been coughing for the past few days. I've got pain in my chest and head. I was wondering if I could come in some time today to see the doctor?"

"The doctor starts seeing patients at 9:00 am is that a good time for you?"

"Yes it is. I'll be there at 9:00 thank you." I hang up the phone then go to the bathroom and take a shower. After I get out I brush my teeth and get dressed. I slip on my shoes then get into my car.

I make my way to the hospital to see this doctor. I pull into the parking lot and find a space. As I'm walking towards the front doors I see a sign that says reserved for Dr. Alexander. Damn he's got a nice car!

I find the directory and walk towards the office. I walk into the office and no one else is here. No other patients yet and no receptionist. Damn I would love to know who owns that sexy voice.

"Um hello anybody here?"

Then I hear his voice. "I'll be with you in one second."

That voice sent a chill down my spine.

"Jade McManus?"

"That's me."

"Ok follow me."

I follow the tall man back to a room and yea he matched the voice. He was tall at least 6'4 with gorgeous brown eyes, brown hair, a very neatly trimmed beard and very attractive, with a deep husky voice and damn that smile. Have you ever seen an extremely good looking guy and your first thought was "Holy shit he's gorgeous. I wanna grab him and kiss him!" Yeah I just had that thought!

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