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We're on our way to Vegas. Holy shit we're getting married tomorrow!

We arrive at Caleb's parents house just a little after noon.

Maria and I have to pick up my dress and the boys gotta get there suits. After my final fitting and finally picking up my dress Maria and I decided to out to lunch together.

"Are you nervous or excited about tomorrow?"

"A little bit of both actually."

"How's Caleb been handling everything?"

"He's been doing ok with it. If he's nervous he isn't showing it."

"That sounds about right. But if he is freaking out the only one that'll know about it will be Derek."

"I'm not surprised."

(Caleb's POV. I'm with Derek and our dad picking up our suits. "So Caleb are you nervous about tomorrow?" "A little bit and excited." "Are you scared about anything?" "Kinda." "You're scared you won't make it huh?" "Yeah. Did you ever think that?" "Of course everyone thinks that. Your mom and I still love each very much. And I can tell the way you and Jade are you'll always be together." "I told you Caleb you and Jade are love. And you'll get through anything together. You'll last." "Thanks Derek, thanks dad.")

After lunch we drove back to the house.

"I'll keep your dress in my room sweetie."

"Thank you Maria."

"Do you know where Caleb's staying tonight?"

"No clue. Derek will probably force him to stay in a hotel. Ever since that fight we had he doesn't like being apart from me for too long."

"I get that. I can't imagine how he felt those three days you were kidnapped. I only saw him the night you were apart. He didn't sleep all night."

"Derek and Caleb both told me the three days I was gone Caleb was drunk the whole time. Derek took care of him though."

"Of course he did. One thing about Derek he might be a pain in the ass at times but he's loyal to his family. Especially his younger brother and you."

"I've noticed that and I love Derek for that."

"Hey baby you and mom home?"

"We're in the kitchen babe."

Maria and I walk into the living room to meet with the guys.

"Caleb I've got a question."

"What's that my love?"

"Where are you staying tonight?"

"Derek and dad are kidnapping me."

"Theo you're going too? What am I suppose to do tonight!?"

"Use your battery operated friend in the dresser?"

Wow! I can't believe I'm marrying into this family.

"Ok that was more information I needed to know about my parents!"

"Dad's coming with because I don't think I'm capable keeping Caleb away from Jade by myself."

"I can see that."

I giggle.

"What time are you leaving?"

"After dinner."

"Of course I still gotta feed all you boys."

We all laugh.

"I take it you got your dress?"

"I did and you got your suits?"

"We did."

"Ok I haven't asked this yet I'm not sure why but Maria will you be my maid of honor?"

"Of course sweetheart! No wonder you picked out my dress for tomorrow!"

I hug Maria.

Caleb and I went upstairs. We cuddled together in bed until dinner was ready.

"I'm not mentally prepared for tonight."

"Me either. I hate sleeping alone now."

"You can ask Derek to cuddle with you. He can be your little spoon."

"If you two do, do that I'm sleeping in the tub."

We all laugh.

After dinner Caleb grabbed his bags.

"Night baby."

"Night my love."

We go to hug and neither of us wanted to let each other guy.

"It's just for one night bro."

I whisper into Caleb's ear.

"I love you Mr. Alexander."

"I love you too Mrs. Alexander. I can't wait until tomorrow."

"Neither can I."

Derek pretty much drags Caleb away.

After Caleb left I said goodnight to Maria and went upstairs. I changed into one of Caleb's shirts. I curled myself up into a ball in the middle of the bed.

I woke up a few hours later to yelling. I can hear Maria yelling at someone.

Not sure who though it's just the two of us. I poke my head out of my room. I heard another woman's voice.

I swear if it's that Giselle cunt I'm smashing her face in!

I walk down the hall to the top of the stairs. I look down and can see Maria. Then I see Janice.

"I want you and your two disgraceful kids out of my house!"

"I'm not going anywhere! Theo was suppose to be my husband! You stole him from me!

All this is suppose to be mine! My kids are suppose to be in charge! I can't even believe one of your kids is getting married! Especially to such a younger woman. Must be another gold digger."

"Do not talk that way about my family. My husband. My kids or my future daughter in law. Especially with what kind of kids you raised!

You're lucky my boys haven't killed yours yet!"

I have no idea what to do. Should I go down there? Should I call the boys? I go to turn around to go back to my room. But then I heard a voice behind me.

"Why hello sexy."

I turn around and see Joshua and Shawn.

"Now where do you think you're going?"

"Because if you're going to bed will be more then welcome to join you."

I start walking backwards slowly. I take one step back, they take two towards me. I need to get to my room and get to my phone. I turn around and run. I make it back to my room just in time to close it and lock it.

"Come on princess just open up."

"Yeah we can either knock the door down or you could be a good girl and unlock the door."

I'm looking all over my room and I can't find my phone.

Then I remember I left it downstairs.

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