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(Knock knock.)

"Caleb honey it's your mom. If you two are doing it I can come back later."

Caleb throws the door open. "Mom! Have you been drinking?"

"Not yet it isn't 5:00. No wine before 5:00. I just came up to let you know dinner will be ready soon. I made all your favorites!"

"Ok thanks mom. Will be down in a few minutes." Caleb shuts the door.

"Baby if I think I make you eat a lot be prepared to do nothing but eat the whole time you're here."

"If it tastes as good as it smells count me in!"

"That's my girl!"

We finish putting our stuff away then go back downstairs.

"Prepare for more craziness." He squeezes my hand.

"I'll be ok. What more can she say they she hasn't already."

"You'd be surprised."

"Oh good I didn't scare you away with all my excitement."

"No I'm good."

"I'm sorry dear. I didn't mean to blurt all that out."

"It's ok Mrs. Alexander."

"Nope that won't do! Either you call me mom or Maria."

"Oh Maria. Just for now." I laugh. I hear Derek behind us.

"Hey mom since we do live in Vegas all the casinos got wedding chapels!"

"Derek what did I tell you!"

"Sorry mom." I laugh again.

"I swear Derek's the reason I started drinking in the first place."

"I can see why."

"Hey I heard that sis!"

"Sis? Did he call you sis?"

"Yes he's been calling me that since he visited us. Like what the second day he was there."

"Well it seems like the whole family approves of Caleb's girlfriend."

"Where's dad?"

"Oh he went out to get some other stuff. Drinks, snacks, stuff like that."

"Is he ok?"

"Yeah why do you ask."

"I was just wondering since he let Derek takeover and all."

"Oh yeah. Your dad just wanted to retire in one piece."

"Hopefully Derek does too."

"Yes but he won't have a son to pass it down too!" Caleb and I laugh.

"Oh your dad's back. Everyone in the dining room. Let's eat."

I walk into the dining room and see one giant bowl of salad. Four bowls of different types of pasta. A bowl of meatballs. Breads.

This is how I'm gonna die. I didn't think it would happen but I always hoped it would.

We all sit down and start conversating. This time the topics aren't so overwhelming.

"So how did the two of you meet?"

Caleb's POV.

I can see Jade struggling to find the right words to say. It's hard to explain how we met and got together without bringing up that pussy ass bitch.

"We might at my doctor's office. She was my first patient. I asked to lunch and it just progressed."

She squeezed my hand under the table.

"How long have you been dating?"

"Um two months now I believe? Baby?"

"Yeah two months."

"Jade where are you from?"


"Do you have any family up there?"

Great not the best thing to talk about.

"Um just my grandmother."

"Do your parents live in Anaheim as well?"

I'm trying so hard to give my mom stop it singles but apparently she's choosing to ignore me.

"Um actually both my parents died when I was younger."

"Oh I'm so sorry honey."

"It's ok."

"Would you like some wine dear?"

"Oh no thank you. I don't drink."

"I don't know how to react to that. Out of curiosity dear how old are you?"

Jade answered in very low voice. "I'm um 20."

"What was that dear."

"She's 20 mom."

"Oh! Well I didn't except that answer."

I can tell by the look in my mom's face she wants to start asking more questions. My dad's being quiet. Not really in his nature to pry that's always been my mom's job. Jade gets up and excuses her self. I follow her.

We go into a bathroom down the hall.

"Oh my god Caleb I bet your mom hates me now!"

"What why do you think that?"

"When I told her I was 20 just the look on her face. She probably thinks I'm some kind of golddigger or something. Young girl, hot rich doctor."

"Baby calm down please. It doesn't matter to me what my parents think. I love you. I know the real you. I know you're nothing like that. If they can't see that then to hell with them! I love you and nothing's gonna change that."

"I love you too Caleb. Thanks for the pep talk."

"It's my job."

We go back to sit down and my mom looks at Jade.

"Sweetheart I'm really sorry about the way I responded. I didn't mean for it to come out the way it did. You're probably going to get mad well both of you. But Derek told us some things."

I look over at Derek because I know exactly  what she's referring to. She means Jade's past with that little tick. I look at Jade and she looks embarrassed.

"Honey please don't be embarrassed. If anybody knows what you went through it was me. I know my son told you about my past. Please don't be mad at Derek. Knowing this about you I know how much Caleb actually loves you. I don't think your like the girls my other SON likes to associate with. I know you love Caleb for who he is and not what he is. And I can't wait to officially welcome you into our family. Unofficially I got a new daughter."

"Thank you Maria that means a lot to me you have no idea. And I do love your son. More then anything else. Your son saved me."

Damn I love this girl so much! She amazes me more everyday.

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