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Caleb's POV.

We've been in Fiji for four days and everyday has just been incredible.

We've either been on the beach or in bed.

I'm laying in bed looking out the window just watching the waves come and go.

I look over to Jade and she's still sleeping. I think I'm gonna surprise her today and actually leave the house.

I wrap my arms around Jade's waist and pull her closer to me.

"Morning Caleb."

"Morning my love."

"How many more days do we have left here?"

"Five more. Why baby?"

"I'm just wondering how much longer I have you all to myself."

"Oh is that the only reason?"

"Well I do also miss our family."

"I love hearing you say our family."

"Well Derek has been calling me his little sis since five minutes after meeting him. And your mom on the other hand."

"Yeah she had us married a long time ago didn't she."

We both laugh.

"It's hard to read your dad though. But when I asked him to walk me down the aisle I knew I won him over too."

"You actually won him over way before that baby."

"Really when?"

"Remember when I had them come over to the condo and the worry you showed for me."

I look at her face and I can tell she's on the brink of tears. I wrap my arms around her tighter.

"So what do you want to do today baby girl?"

"Um other then bed or beach?"

"Yeah of course."

"I'm shocked! Well can we go check out some touristy stuff?"

"Of course my love. Wanna take a shower?"

"Of course my love."

We get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I'm pretty sure the most clothes we've worn since we got here are our swimsuits.

After our shower we got dressed and headed for the car.

"Have  you thought of anything yet?"

"Actually yeah. How about sailing?"

"Sailing it is. But first breakfast."

She laughs.

"Yes food please!"

I laugh.

We get into the car and I have the driver take us to a restaurant.

We go inside and sit down. I look around and notice most of the other people were couples like us. Either honeymooners or anniversaries.

Shit Jade and I haven't even had a year of dating before we got married. Sometimes I do think we rushed into this but when I look into her eyes and she says she loves me I know we made the right decision.

I look up at her from over the top of my menu and notice she's on her phone.

"Am I boring company already baby?"

"Of course not my love. I'm just looking for someplace to rent a boat at."

"Oh, I'm sure they're got plenty of places for that."

"I found one that rents glass bottom boats."

She looks at me giving me her pouty face. Damn it she knows I can't ever say no to that face.

"How far is from where we're at?"

"Um about a fifteen minutes from here."

"Sounds like the perfect after breakfast activity."

"Sounds good to me my love. If we had our stuff."

She looks at me and I just smile.

"Our stuff is in the car isn't it?"

"Of course. I even put a cooler in the trunk. We can order some sandwiches to go. Then stop and grab some drinks."

"Do you ever not plan ahead?"

"Hmm I didn't plan ahead when you moved in with me but I'm glad I didn't."

I reach over the table and grab her hand.

"Ok I've got a weird question."

"Which is?"

She whispers to me.

"You're not killing anyone while we're here are you?"

I look at her and smile.

"No. This is just us. And honestly it was suppose to be only us in Rome."

"I know it was. I'm glad you were able to help your uncle. Since we're married I gotta get use to you doing stuff like that."

"You know I'll tell you everything I'm doing baby. I just don't want you to worry."

"Like your dad said I'll worry no matter what because I love you."

"And I love you."

After breakfast we drove to the boat rental place. I grabbed our stuff out of the trunk.

Within a few minutes we were on the ocean. I opted for a boat captain. Not that I don't know how to sail a boat but because I wanna enjoy this with my wife.

The boat also had a cabin where I found my wife changing into a red bikini. I was standing in the doorway just watching her.

"Having fun?"

"Of course. Any chance I get to see my wife naked is always fun."

We both laugh.

"Are you gonna change?"

"Yeah might as well."

I changed into my red board shorts.

We go back up to the main deck. We sit at the front of the boat and look down through the glass. We see a bunch of tropical fish swimming by. I look up out at the ocean.

"Baby look theres  dolphins jumping out of the water."

Jade turns her head to watch the dolphins.

"I'm so glad you brought me here. How did you think of coming here?"

"Actually my mom thought of it. Her and Theo came here for there honeymoon."

"I love your mom."

"So do I. Even though she's crazy sometimes."

"Yeah but it's a good crazy."

"Come here baby."

I grab her waist and pull her onto my lap.

I put my thumb under her chin and move her lips closer to mine. I lean in slowly kissing her lips.

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