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The next morning I woke with Caleb completely wrapped around me. I felt like a mouse and he was a boa constrictor.

Caleb's POV.

I know Jade's awake but I refuse to let her go. After last night I know I still gotta lot of ass kissing to do! But she was right I've gotta make up my mom's birthday. Not her me! It wasn't any of her fault.

"Baby you gonna let me go? I gotta pee!"


"I will so pee on you. Don't make it have to come to that!"

"Ok ok fine."

Caleb finally let's me go and I book it to the bathroom! I brush my teeth then walk back into the bedroom and sit on the bed.

"Hey baby I gotta question for you."


Before I could ask my question Maria knocked on the door.

"Come in mom."

"Hey kids we're going out for breakfast this morning so get ready ok."


She shuts the door.

"So that question?"

"Oh it's no big deal I can ask you later."

I get off the bed and find some clothes to wear. It's April in Vegas so it's a little warm. A lot warmer then home that is!

I decided to put on a sundress.

I walked out of the bathroom after finishing brushing my hair. I see Caleb wearing shorts.

I've seen him wear basketball shorts or just his boxer briefs plenty of times. But seeing him going in public in shorts was just unusual.

He was nice legs though.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like a snack?"

"Well in them shorts you look like one! Look how nice your ass looks!"

I start laughing.

"You know that's the same dress you wore in my office."

"Shut up your families waiting for us."

He starts laughing as I walk out of the room.

After breakfast we drove around Vegas.

"So sweetheart Caleb says you've never been to Vegas before."

"Nope this my first time here. Not much fun when you're not 21 yet."

"Oh that's not true there's a bunch of stuff we can do! Theo to the strip!"

I'm suddenly scared.

Holy shit the strip is like a zoo!

The first casino we went to had a large walk through shark exhibit! The one after that had dolphins and tigers!

I don't think my phone left my hand I was taking so many pictures! Also making sure I got plenty of Caleb's family.

We stopped at one of the casinos to have lunch.

After lunch Caleb put his arm around me while we were walking. I've never walked so much in my life either!

"Having fun baby?"

"Oh my goodness Caleb! I'm having a blast! I don't see how you could move away from a town like this!"

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