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When I woke the next morning I was still laying on top of Caleb.

"Morning baby."

"Morning. How long have you been awake?"

"Um about an hour."

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"I didn't want to, plus I know you needed the rest."

And there goes my face. I'm trying to keep a straight face but hearing Caleb laugh I know that didn't work.

"Such a lovely shade of red you turn."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

He laughs again. I move myself off Caleb and go into the bathroom. Very carefully. I felt more sore now then I did last night.

I looked in the mirror and I have marks all over my neck from him. I'm still wearing his robe from last night.

I look through the closet and find one of his shirts. I slip that on myself and a pair of panties.

I walk into the kitchen to see Caleb making something. I sit on one of the bar stools very carefully.

"You ok baby?"

"Yeah. Just a little sore."

I see a small quick smirk appear on his lips.

"Are you hungry?"

"Very. You know all you do is feed me."

"That's my job. Hope you like pancakes."

"I actually haven't had pancakes since I was like 16."

"Jade can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Do you your parents know where you're at?"

I get quiet. "Both of my parents died when I was 16 in a car accident. I ended up living with my grandmother until I met Kyle."

"Why did she let you go with him."

"She didn't care. She'd always tell me I was a burden and she'd be better off without me living at her house."

I see that look in Caleb's eyes. He's pissed but not at me at the situation.

"How did you end up here?"

"A couple times I tried to run away he found me and brought me back. One day I drugged his food. I packed my stuff hopped in my car and drove here. He found me in two months."

"What about friends? Didn't any of them care what he was doing to you."

"Kyle is very convincing. He told my friends I was mentally ill and that he'd be taking care of me because he loved me so much. Seeing them would of made it worse. He cut everyone off from me."

Caleb walks over to the stool I'm sitting on and wraps his arms around me.

Caleb's POV.

This girl is only 20 years old and she already had to go through so much traumatic shit. Parents that died. A family member that didn't want her. Friends who were quick to turn there backs on her. And don't get me started on that abusive prick. To still be able to smile after everything. She's the strongest person I know.

"As much as I'm appreciating this hug. You're burning the pancakes."

"Oh shit!"

I laugh as I see smoke fill the kitchen.

"Maybe we should get dressed and go out to breakfast. Then will go shopping. Ok?"

I laugh. "This is only the second time you've attempted to cook for me and both have not gone so well."

"Smartass." He kisses my nose.

"Ok let's get dressed."

We go to the bedroom and I look through the dresser. I keep low growling at all my clothes.

"Are you ok over there?"

"Uh huh." Not really I haven't told him most of my clothes don't fit anymore cause he keeps feeding me.

"I'll wait for you in the living room."


Ok now that he's out of the room I'm gonna raid his closet! I find a black t shirt that looks like it's too small for Caleb. I'll wear that with a pair of yoga pants. At least they're stretchy.

"You look comfy."

"Well since I'm still sore I couldn't wear jeans."

"Ok ready?"


We go down the elevator to the parking garage. We get into his car and drive up the street to a diner.

We walk in and get sat at a booth. The waitress comes over to take our order and had no problem flirting with Caleb.

He didn't even acknowledge her. Hell he didn't even look at her. I couldn't help but smile about that.

"Is that my shirt?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

"Um yeah."

"Looks good on you." I blush again for the second time today.

"There's that lovely red again."

"Actually the reason I'm wearing your shirt and yoga pants is because none of my clothes fit me. I don't even like these stupid yoga pants! And my boobs are literally spilling out of my bra."

"Well that parts ok."


Caleb puts a big grin on his face.

"Since living with you I've started to finally gain some wait. You actually let me eat."

"Well I guess we've got a few stores to go to today."

"Thank you Caleb."

"You're welcome baby."

After we finished breakfast we went down a few streets to the mall. We walked around the mall until a store caught my eye. I saw this beautiful strapless purple ball gown. Caleb must of noticed cause he grabbed my hand and we walked in.

Caleb calls a sales associate to help with the dress. I have absolutely no idea what size I even am anymore.

The sales associate said they'd have to size it for. Which was gonna take an hour. So while we waited we went to a few others stores to get me some regular clothes.

We picked up my dress then headed home.

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