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Welcome to "Hamilton Oneshots," kids! I decided to join in on all of this fun. There aren't exactly rules, but I'll still go over them.

Please read them.

I will be taking any suggestions that anyone gives to me. Feel free to contact me through comments or through DMs. Either is fine with me. I will keep you guys updated on whether or not I will be taking suggestions.

I allow all ships, gay or straight. (one of my favorite ships is actually a gay one, but we'll get back to that)

Feel free to pick up on all of the song references that I put in this book. I'm sure there will be to many to count.

All I ask is that you guys don't act rudely upon what I write. I will always give you a warning of what the writing will be before I write it. If you don't like it, then just don't read it.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the book! Oh, and one last more before we start...

Welcome to Hell.

*Edit: Some of these one shots are old and v v cringe. Please stick around, or just skip the ones you don't like. I made this book a long time ago, but I don't intend on fixing old chapters. Thanks!
-2019 shelby💕

*Edit: Hiya kiddos!! Incase you didn't see it in the description, this book is completed. Suggestions are no longer open. Thank you for reading!
-2019 shelby💕

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