the string | mullette+lams

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marquis de lafayette
I will not being lying when I say that I'm regular. I'm just another person with a red string.

Well, maybe I'm a little irregular.

Many people in France have already met their soulmates. I've followed my string many times, but it always takes me to the ocean.

The Atlantic Ocean, to be specific. (hA tO bE pACifiC)

I've always wondered why my string had to go so far. Everyone else's string is just connected to another French person, so why did mine have to be across the ocean?

Oh, I'll tell you why.


I slammed my hand on the table and shouted out, "That's it! I'm going!"

My roommate, Alexander looked at me with a questioning face. "Where are you going, exactly?" He questioned. He lowered his book to look at me.

I fiddled with the small string on my ring finger. "I'm going to America," I smiled. "Speaking of which, I should start practicing English." Alex choked on his spit and dropped his book.

He coughed a bundle of times before groggily saying, "America?"

"Oui, and you're coming with me," I explained, tapping rapidly at my laptop. "I just bought us plane tickets to America. Our flight is tomorrow, okay?"

"Why are we going to America?" Alex questioned as he reached down to grab his book.

"Because both of our soulmates are across the ocean," I smiled. Alex lightly blushed. "Let's pack."


I walked off the flight and noticed that my string was looser than usual. The string was bundled.

"Is you're string loose too?" Alexander questioned, playing with his finger. I nodded and grabbed his hand.

"So? Let's go meet our soulmates!" I laughed.


Alex and I walked down the streets of New York. I felt anxious. What if my soulmate didn't like me? What if they thought I was weird for speaking French?

What if they didn't like Mac n' Cheese?

I pondered, gathering my string as it bundled. Alex was basically a child meeting a dog as we walked.

We passed Broadway and stopped to look at the signs. "Lin Manuel Miranda?" Alex read, tweaking his head. "Sounds boring."

"It's actually a top rated musical," I smiled. "My favorite character is Daveed Diggs."

"That's just cause he looks like you," Alex laughed. I snorted.

"Yeah right! Me? Daveed Diggs? Were like polar opposites!"

"Well what about this musical? Dear Ben Platt. Who's your favorite character in that?"

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