definition | no ship

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Alex sat by the pool, waving his feet slowly in the water. He didn't know why he thought it would be a good idea to come to a pool party. He didn't even know how to swim.

Soft tunes played through his head as we watched the water swirl in mis-matched directions. He could just get up and leave, but he didn't want to look weird for leaving early. So, he didn't.

1. an action or judgement that is misguided or wrong.

Alex continued to intently investigate the water while Thomas Jefferson schemed. Truly, Thomas was a bitch. He didn't want to seem weak, or scared, so he took everything out on others.

1. a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.

Jefferson snuck up behind Alexander with his hands extended. For a quick second, an image of his mother looking at him and smiling flashed through his mind. He quickly erased it.

With a swift movement, Thomas placed his hands on Alex's back and pushed him into the water.

give a long, loud, piercing cry or cries expressing excitement, great emotion, or pain.
•cry something in a high-pitched, frenzied way.

There was silence as eyes gazed upon Thomas and his extended arms. Alexander sunk to the bottom of the pool, frantically waved his arms and legs in strange motions.

A few yells rang out, but nobody moved. There was a time where everyone just waited for him to come back up before Jeremy Heere screamed out, "He can't swim!"

complete disorder and confusion.

Bundles of people herded around Thomas, screaming insults and angered phrases. Others ran to save the immigrant.

Continuous voices rang out like church bells until they were silenced by the sound of gagged coughing and a deep breath. Following came a few smiles and claps.

it is unfortunate that.

Alex sat in the hospital bed as the doctor took a long, sad breath.

"There is a rare chance that you can actually die after CPR from water still irritating your lungs," He explained, tapping his pen on the clipboard. "However, we cannot guarantee a time of death. You could die at anytime from now to in three weeks."

Alex's eyes watered and he wrapped himself in his own arms. The doctor patted his back saying, "You should call whoever you love as soon as possible."

Yet, Alex didn't have anyone to call. Who do you call when you don't have any friends or family?

the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.

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