idiot | thomgelica

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Thomas had a crush on Angelica. Well, has. Those feelings never left him.

However, Angelica was a tougher one to crack. She was solitary, cold, and quiet. Of course, she wasn't shy. No. She was not shy. She was brave, and she stood up for her opinion. Anything but shy.

But Angelica did have her eye on a few boys. Especially Thomas. However, there's nothing Angelica loves more than playing hard to get.

But that made her the perfect match for him.
The moment was getting very intense very quickly.

"Well maybe if you would have spent more time on the project instead of with your sisters then we would've gotten a better score!" Thomas yelled.

"Well if you wouldn't have been off having sex with Maria Reynolds then you wouldn't be saying that!" Angelica screamed back, stomping her foot on the floor.

"I didn't have sex with Maria!" Thomas growled, stepping closer with a thud.

"You obviously did since you're the biggest fuckboy in the school and Peggy was crying over her girlfriend cheating with some dude!" Schuyler shrieked.

"Maria was getting it off with Alexander you idiot!"

Angelica paused, her heart thumping loudly. "If you call me and idiot one more time, I will make your death look like a suicide, Jefferson."

Jefferson stepped back, and Angelica glared at him, eyes watering. Jefferson was at a loss for words, as was the sister of three.

Angelica huffed out a breath before turning around. A few small tears rolled down her cheeks before she crouched down. She hated crying.

Thomas hesitantly paced towards her. He placed a soft hand on her shoulder, listening intently as her breath hitched in surprise. "H-Hey," Thomas breathed. He soothingly rubbed his thumb into her back. "I didn't mean all that."

Angelica swiftly stood and twirled around, grasping Thomas' neck and pulling him into a kiss. Despite Thomas' surprise, he accepted the kiss and slithered his hands around her petite waist.

Tears overflowed her eyes as she continually latched on. The comforting warmth of his plush lips felt relaxing to her. She hadn't felt something like this in a long time.

They slowly broke off, looking deeply into each other's eyes. A few beats passed before Thomas wiped off Angelica's nearly dried tears. Angelica gently pushed her head into his hand.

They shuffled together, hugging. Schuyler let out a broad sigh, and Thomas tangled his finger through her hair.

"I love you," Angelica sighed, sadly. Thomas shifted his head on top of hers.

Looking down just enough to Schuyler, he smiled. "I love you too."


"Angie?" Thomas called out.

"Yeah honey?"

"Can you come carry the baby? I'm trying to make Mac n' Cheese but she won't stop trying to grab the pot."

Angelica sighed. "Of course."

Angelica sped down the stairs, entering into the open kitchen. Thomas turned around, the baby in his left arm's crook. Angelica smiled warmly, reaching her hands out for her child. Thomas placed his child softly in Angelica's arms.

"Sorry I couldn't handle her," Thomas sheepishly smiled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's quite alright," Angie responded, placing a gentle finger on the baby's nose. She then began to address the younger. "Lucy, Lucy, Lucy," She giggled. "What're we going to do with you if you're always trying to grasp danger?"

Lucy let out a broad giggle and her father grinned widely. He paced over, looking down at his beautiful daughter.

He played with her brown curled hairs and looked into her deep chocolate eyes. The young child grabbed Thomas' finger and hiccuped.

"I love you, Lucy," Thomas smiled. Angelica planted a kiss on Thomas' cheek. "And I love you too, Ange."

s h e l b y
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big oof cause my friend found out i have a wattpad, but doesn't know my user

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