performance | lams

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Alexander waited impatiently for the show to begin. John was performing as Jack in Newsies, and Alex was ecstatic to finally see the show. Sure, the immigrant knew nothing about the plot whatsoever, but he was still excited.

The two had been dating for nearly five years, both pursuing roles on broadway. John always watched Alexander when he played Micheal in Be More Chill, but this was the first time that it'd be the opposite way around.

The curtains flew open and the crowd cheered, Alexander smiling widely. The introductory music played and the clapping slowed down.

The lights rose up to focus on Jack and Crutchie. John glanced at Alex for a quick second, but snapped back into characters as Santa Fe Prologue played.


Alexander was irked at the sight of Maria Reynolds playing the role of Katherine. He let it slide, knowing it was acting and she was rather good at it. The feeling of disgust tugged at his sleeve.

He turned it off, playing attention to his boyfriend. (lmfao did you catch my bom reference)


Alexander nervously twiddled his thumbs when Jack and Katherine's scene became a little more tense. He'd studied the flow of theatre, and if this show was as he thought it was, he sensed it; a kiss.

Katherine yelled, "Oh, and if I was a boy you'd be looking at me through one swollen eye!"

Jack cocked his head, quickly retorting, "Don't let that stop you. Give me your best shot!"

They were centimeters apart, and Alexander's heart slightly dropped. In a blink, Katherine grabbed Jack's face and pulled him into a kiss- and boy did they kiss. After they broke off, Jack went in to kiss her again, but she stopped him.

An angry frown formed across Alex's face, while the audience around him slightly cheered. He suddenly got hit with a wave of sadness. "Why didn't he just tell me?" Alexander whispered under his breath.

The orchestra erupted to a new song, and John looked back at Alexander when he was given the chance. He placed one arm down, crossing his fingers so that Alex could see them.

The immigrant gently forced a smile. They're promise signal since they met.


The show ended and the crowd erupted into cheers, Alexander standing to clap as well. Curtains closing, he made his way to the left stage door to get to the back.

The freckled man opened his changing room door, squealing and kissing his boyfriend. Alexander grinned, hugging him.

"Did you like it?" He smiled, rocking on his heels. Alex nodded, bringing his boyfriend into a tight embrace.

He washed away the thought of Maria completely. "I love you."

s h e l b y
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