nico and the niners | jamilton

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Alexander made yet another coffee. As he handed it to James Madison, he heard the song begin to play.

Nico and the Niners.

As soon as the newest Twenty Øne Piløts album had come out, Alex was obsessed. Thomas was just as excited, but refused to look as "immature" as his rival.

Alex hummed the reversed beginning to the background beat and drummed his fingers on the counter. Thomas continued to work the register, ready for his shift to end. "What can I get you today?" Jefferson asked.

As words in the song began to form, Alexander sang along quietly. "East is up, Im fearless when I hear this on the low," He started.

Thomas ignored his as best he could, only lightly tapping his fingernails to the rhythm. "I'll have a (HI SHISTERS) venti Pink Drink," Angelica smiled. "Oh, and could you please leave the ice out?"

"Sure," Thomas said, tapping in her order. "Anything else?" Angelica shook her head. "That'll be nine dollars and eighty-four cents."

Angelica rummaged through her purse to find her wallet. Her order popped up on Alex's screen and he sung a little bit more confidently. "Dema don't control us, Dema don't control. East is up."

Thomas chimed in (HAHA SEE WHAT I DID THERE) and listened intently. He whispered along to Alex singing, "They want to make you forget. Save your razorblades now, not yet."

Alex tuned up his voice as he turned on the blender. Thomas began to get more into the beat, and Alexander sang along to all the words happily.

The blender was turned off and Alex still kept his voice high. Thomas shut his mouth but hummed along to the time. Alexander smiled and danced over to the counter, drink in hand.

"I'm heavy, my jumpsuit is on steady," he smiled. He put his singing on hold to call out, "Angelica!"

He continued his happy tune when he noticed that Jefferson was tapping his fingers and humming the tune. Alex stopped all movement and sound and stared at him with bright eyes.

Thomas' hair flopped airily as he turned his head to Alexander. Looking up due to the height difference, Alex shot him a big smile.

"What do you want, Hamilton?" Thomas growled. He punched in Washington's order and then shot him a lethal glare. Alexander found his "angry" glare quite handsome.

"Sing with me!" He exclaimed like a happy child. Thomas nearly gagged at the sight of something so happy. "Don't deny that you love the new album."

Thomas hesitated to do anything. He really wanted to give in and sing with all his heart and soul. He wanted to scream out every lyric at the top of his lungs, but he didn't want to look weak in front of Hamilton. Giving in to his opponent wasn't on his list of things to do.

However, Alexander just smiled again and rummaged through his pocket. He flipped out a twenty dollar bill and said, "C'mon, it'll be fun."

Thomas sighed, but it wasn't a rough and angered sigh. It was nice, and happy. He took the dollar, examined it, and then pushed it back on Alex's chest.

"East is up, I'm fearless when I hear this on the low," Thomas sang, tweaking his head to the left. Why Alexander blushed, nobody could tell, but he blushed hard.

Alexander took the twenty back and hesitated for another line. "East is up, I'm careless when I wear my rebel clothes."

He joined in. "East is up, when Bishops come together they will know that Dema don't control us, Dema don't control."

Jefferson found a way to sing, and take orders without asking many question. "I'm heavy, my jumpsuit is on steady. I'm lighter when I'm lower. I'm higher when I'm heavy, oh ooh. I'm so high, my jumpsuit takes me so high, I'm flying from a fire, from Nico and the Niners."

Louder, Alexander sang out the last, "oh ooh."

They continued to make drinks for various customers, all while still singing out the song. As the song came to an end, Alexander finished up a Unicorn Frappe.

He turned to place it on the counter, when he bumped straight into Thomas. "Fire," Alex breathed.

"Nico and the Niners," they both said nearly a whisper. They stood there, just looking at each other for a short while. Jefferson moved a short hair that slid down Alex's forehead.

Thomas grabbed the frappe and placed it on the counter. He glanced up at the clock to see that it was 10:45.

The taller male exited the scene, taking off his apron. "Cya tomorrow, Alex," He smiled.

Alexander waved and watched as he left from his shift. From the back he heard Aaron laugh, "Get a room!"

"We were singing! That's all!" Alexander screamed back.

"Sure!" Burr sarcastically emphasized. Hamilton didn't retort, but still lightly blushed at the thought.

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