love through pain | hamliza

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Eliza drowsily walked into the house, a few tears dropping down from her face. She dropped the groceries she was carrying and slouched back against the door. She pulled herself into a ball and cried her heart away.

Alexander was crying upstairs, but he had heard her come home. He raced downstairs to find his wife curled up once more. He rubbed at his red eyes as he paced towards her.

He walked over and crouched down beside her. He put his arm around Eliza's shoulder, and immediately she fell into his arms.

Alex fell on his knees and cried with her, embracing her tightly. "I feel like it was all my fault," Eliza softly sniffled.

"It wasn't your fault, Eliza," Alexander reassured. "His death wasn't our own blame."

Eliza looked up at her husband with tear stained cheeks. "I miss him," She cried with a groggy voice. Alexander moved her hair off from her face.

He planted a loving kiss on her forehead and rubbed her back. Eliza had a bit of trouble breathing with her nose being so clogged. "I know, I know."

Eventually, Alexander managed to get the groceries in the kitchen and to get Eliza off the floor. They took their time to hug while slowly standing up.

Alexander had gotten her to take a few steps before the piano caught her eye.

« « « FLASHBACK » » »

Eliza and Phillip played the piano together as they sung. "Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq," Eliza started.

Phillip began to join in on the french singing. "Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, seis, sept, huit, neuf."

"Good," Eliza smiled. She began to sing the numbers going to a lower pitch. Phillip did the same, but changed the line at the end.

"Sept, huit, neuf," She repeated.

"Sept, huit, neuf," He attempted.

They repeated until Eliza gave in. She chuckled a bit before speaking in English. This time, Phillip sang with her.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine!" They exclaimed.

Eliza congratulated him on his work well done. His French classes were paying off.

« « « END» » »

Eliza collapsed to the ground in tears. Alexander continued to try to get her to the dinner table to eat something.

Neither of the adults had slept since Phillip's deaths, and Eliza had barely eaten. His death caused them to lose appetite.

As horrible and tragic as the death was, they still had to take care of their other children. They couldn't put off parenting for anything.


"I love you, Alexander," Eliza breathed as Alex had finally gotten her into bed.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the back of her neck. "I love you too, Eliza."

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