stole | jamilton

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thomas jefferson
I eyed up people in the hallways. Not daring to speak with anyone, I tried to speed walk to Debate Class with Mr. Madison.

Debate was my strongest subject, and I really did enjoy it. It was the a time I got to shout out without being criticized. In fact, it was the only time I ever got to shout out opinions. I've always been far too shy to speak up to anyone if it's not staged.

I paced into the classroom holding my books against my chest. Sitting in my seat, I began to slowly fiddle with my pencil. The bell rang and a few minutes passed by before class began to actually start.

Mr. Madison fiddled through his papers lazily before popping one up through the projector. "Today I'll be assigning you partners for a new debate," He announced. I got nervous real quick.

I heard a few whispers pass around and Mr. Madison paced over to his desk to find his 3:45 class bucket. With a yawn, he began to pull out two names at a time. "Angelica and Maria," he called out.

Angelica scrunched up her nose the way she does when she's annoyed, whereas Maria smiled brightly. The teacher continued a few more names until I heard mine being called out.

"Jefferson and," he began. I waited impatiently and time began to slow down to milliseconds before he finished his sentence. "Hamilton."

I looked over at Alex and he looked shocked. John Laurens, an acquaintance of mine, had a sad expression plastered on his face. Mr. Madison continued to call out names.


I sat alone in my dorm room, waiting for Hamilton to come over. He was supposed to come over at 6:30, but it was already 6:45. I figured that he probably just forgot about me and let it go.

I typed up my debate to pass time, but by the second statement, I heard a knock at the door. I jumped, nearly yelping in fear. I walked over to the door and opened to see that Hamilton was indeed there.

"Sorry I'm late!" He explained quickly. "I was out with John to get a coffee and then I couldn't find my laptop when I got back to my dorm and-"

"It's fine," I stated softly with a smile. He nodded and I lead him inside. "Burr is out Theodosia, so he shouldn't be home anytime soon."

I finished up the rest of my statements, but Alex finished far before I did, and his points looked much more valid than mine. He was good.

"So," Alex began. "Why don't we practice our debate? You know, just run it through."

I smiled and stood up from my bed. "Sure."


"Furthermore, gas emissions contribute to carbon that will end up in the stratosphere. In the end, it will result in a further action from global warming. Since we can't control global warming, we would you expect us to do?" I yelled. Alex looked merely scared. "S-Sorry," I mumbled.

I turned around and covered my face, but I felt Alex's hand on my shoulder. I hesitantly turned around.

He paused and paced over to my disheveled desk. Wavering me over, he got up on the chair.

The (im sorry i had to) smol bean was now about two inches shorter than me. We stood there for a second before he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into a kiss.

As peachy as it felt, I pulled away. Alex looked a little pained. I was at a loss for words.

"I- I... T-That... You? B-But... That," I struggled. Alex started to a look a bit more worried than pained.

"Thomas are you oka-"

"What the hell?" I screamed at him. He got off the chair. "What the fuck was that?"

"It," He started

"Holy shit, Alexander! What the fuck? Why did you think that was okay to do?"

"I mean it was just," He began again.

"Alexander!" I roared. "That was my first fucking kiss! You just stole my first kiss! What the hell?"

"That was your first kiss?" He asked, almost ashamed.

"Yes! It was my first kiss that you just stole, Alexander! I was waiting for the special someone! You just fucking stole my first kiss and and... What the fuck!" I belted out.

"Listen! Just forget that it happened, okay?"

"Forget? Forget? Alexander! I can't just forget how my first kiss was a mistake! Just! Just get out of my damn dorm!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Get out!"

He paced out of the room and closed the door. I sighed and my heart seemed to drop into my stomach as I realized how insane I must have been acting.

With a groan, I threw myself into into my bed and let my face smash into the pillow. I pulled my blankets over me and basically hid from being alive.

The door reopened and I didn't care to see who it was.

I unfortunately figured out that it was a horny Theodosia and a drunk Burr.

"Well shit."

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