hangout | poly hamilsquad

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Alexis and Julia knocked vigorously on Hercules' door, huge smiles on their faces. Lafayette answered the door with a snicker.

"Hey," Laurens greeted. Laf smiled, letting them inside.

Alexis sniffed the air, pushing both out of the way. She began running to the kitchen, screaming, "Hercules did you make dumplings?"

Indeed; Hercules did make dumplings.

Alexis stared at all of the dumplings in pure awe. Lafayette and Julia trailed just as Lex began to shower Mulligan in kisses.

"Ah!" Mulligan screamed. "No! I have more dumplings in the pot on the stove! I have to stir the dumplings!"

Lexi still pinned him down. "Get a room," Julia snickered.

"Sure. You wanna join us, Jules?" Hercules retorted.

"Oh fuck you," She blushed.


All four layed on the couch while a movie played on the screen. Alexis had seen it before.

"Sam, I love you," Cynthia, the lead female role, smiled, running a hand through Sam's locks.

"But Cynthia... Your job-"

"We can make it through! Long distance relationships can last!" Cynthia cut off.

Alexis laughed, a snort erupting in her nose, which made her laugh harder. "What's so funny?" Lafayette asked.

"Ohoho," Lexi giggled, "She kills him."

All three groaned at the spoiler, Hercules pausing the movie. "Come
on!" Julia yelled.

"Suck my dick, Hamilton," Mulligan groaned.

"Oh, sure. Can I bring Julia with me?"

Julia let out a strangled grumble consisting of anger and embarrassment. Lafayette crawled over to her, placing a peck on her cheek.


It was the third movie of the night, and all four of them were practically wasted. They layed in rather strange arrangement.

Laurens was inbetween Hercules' legs, but Hercules was being supported by Lafayette's thighs, but Lafayette was being held up by Hamilton's arms, and Hamilton's legs were placed over Laurens' chest.

Alexis poured herself another shot of tequila, hysterically laughing at nothing. "Hand me the glass," Lafayette slowly demanded.

"I am not throwing away my shot to you, you immigrant," Alexis slurred, her tongue sticking out.

"But you are an immigrant," Julia giggled. Alexis took the shot, her eyes widening.

"Oh yeah... That's right. I am an immigrant. Heh," Lexi laughed. She reached out for the tequila, but Hercules snatched it, drinking straight from the bottle.

They were all intoxicated, but Mulligan insisted that Alexis not get as drunk as him.


All of them had now got up, and each had taken at least 6 shots. Except for Hamilton. She'd drinken at least 6 bottles.

The biggest problem with hanging out and having drinks was that they all had different side effects. Lexi got inspired to rather insane things. Julia would emotionally cripple and just die inside. Lafayette tended to spill of the tea he usually kept inside, but that also meant he'd feel guilty. Hercules on the other hand would start spitting lyrics from his favorite songs.

It was chaotic.

"I need to start a war!" Alexis screamed as she stood on the dining table. She grabbed an apple, smashing it on the ground. "Female revolution!"

Julia jumped at this, screaming, and then returning to fetal position on Hercules' lap. Hercules was running his hand through her hair. "For you, I'd go step to a dude much bigger much bigger than me. For you, I know I'd get messed up; Weigh 153. For you, I would get beat to smithereens," Herc quietly sang.

Lafayette was rolling on the floor-literally, after he mentioned Thomas Jefferson. He flipped like a seal until he sat up and screamed, "He totally cheats on Angelica every Thursday. He says she has SAT Prep but really, he's hooking up with James Madison in the North Shore Lion's Costume!"

Lexi stopped, walking over to Laf. Laf was nearly shaking. "He makes him wear the costume?" She asked, visibly curious.

"No! They're both in the costume!" He screamed. Julia only seemed more anxious by this, melting to the floor. Hercules stopped singing, picking Julia up.

"And I never told anyone because I'm such a good friend!" He cried again. Lafayette slowly curled into a ball on the floor.

"We should go to bed," Hercules announced, still trying to soothe Julia. Alexis agreed, helping Laf back up.

They all stumbled to their bedroom, flopping onto the bed. They didn't care that they were scrambled. "Love you," Lex groaned as her leg got squished into the bed's frame.

"Love you," they all responded quietly. Quiet filled the air as they all fell into a much needed sleep.

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