defend | jeffmads

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The last period bell rang, and James felt like he was on the brink of death. "Damnit," he silently cursed. Grabbing his items, he sped down to the first floor.

As he closed his locker, he could feel their presence slipping closer. James turned around.

There they stood.

The "Hamilsquad."

James sucked up his tears. "Please, I have to get home early today," James pleaded. Alexander laughed.

"Why's that?" Mulligan smirked. Lafayette nodded, one of his arms rested on Hercules' shoulder.

"M-My mother is sick and I need to help her," James quietly spit out.

John laughed out hysterically and Alex snickered a bit too. John imitated, "My mother is sick!"

James tried to hold back tears, he really did. Today just wasn't his day. Lafayette gripped James' shirt and dragged him away, the squad following his lead.

James never knew how they found this out, but if you walk out of the back doors, you're off of school property. The school just never bought that land, so there aren't any consequences for anything that happens there.

So that's where the bullying takes place, of course.

Lafayette shoved James down into a pile of grime, his back slamming into the wall of the school. "I heard you took the side stairwell today," the frenchman glared.

James looked down at his hands before looking up at the group. "That true?" Alex forwarded.

James stayed silent, but was greeting with a foot slamming down onto his stomach. He hunched forward, a groan escaping his lips.

"Answer him," Hercules said, backing up his foot. James shook his head and looked up once more.

"I did," James coughed out. "So what're you gonna do?"

The group had the same devilish smirk among themselves. "Who do you want a beating from is the real question?" Alex smiled. "I'll let you pick this time."

James observed his choices blaintly. Hercules was a fat no, for obvious reasons. Alex would enjoy it the most. Lafayette was slim, but he could pack a punch like hell. So that left the weakest option, who was quite strong, Laurens.

"John," James sighed. He closed his eyes.

"Oh, you probably think I can hurt you the least, huh?" John blurted. "You'll see."

James nodded, waiting for impact. Instead, he heard the sound of three thumps, one screech, and then a bundle of angered mutters.

He opened his eyes to see that a figure with long legs stood before him. His curly hair roamed freely along his scalp. Looking between these legs he saw Alex, Hercules, and Lafayette on the ground. John was hunched, squatting- He held his crotch and his face was in a panic.

"Who the hell are you?" Hercules growled.

"Why do you care?" The voice rang. It was low and smooth. James found it comforting.

"People might wanna know your name when they find out beat up out here," Hercules threw back.

The man smirked. "Do it."

It was almost like a comic book. One by one, the Hamilsquad attempted at the man, but each ended up with an ass whooping.

James was borderline frightened by the man. Alexander slowed scooted away, covering his right eye in his palm. "Let's go," Alex stated, standing up.

The group awkwardly shuffled away, leaving James and the man.

There was a brief moment of silence before the man turned around, asking, "Are you okay?

"Y-Yeah," James replied softly, holding his stomach. The man hoisted him up.

"I'm Thomas Jefferson," He stated, brushing off his button up. James looked up at him, star struck. "And your name is?"

James struggled to find his words.

"My name? O-Oh! Yeah! My name. I, uh. I'm um. My name. I'm James Madison!"

"Well, aren't you going home?" Thomas smiled, patting his back. James' head dropped, as he shuffled his feet.

"I missed the bus," James frowned. Thomas worriedly looked at James before grasping his hand.

"Then show me the way. We can walk together."

"R-Really?" James asked, slightly blushing at the hand linked with his.

"Of course."


"Jemmy!" Thomas squealed, jumping into the apartment.

"Hey Thomas," James smiled, stirring around some food.

"What'd you make today?" Jefferson asked, pacing over to the small kitchen.

"Stir fry," the smaller giggled, laying his head back into Thomas' chest.

Thomas placed a small kiss on James' forehead. "I love you, Jemmy James."

"Love you too Tommy."

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