a small break | marliza

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maria reynolds
"Sir, I promise that I'll be back soon. Twenty minutes tops," I frantically promise.

Washington frowns at me, but waves his hand for me to leave. "Twenty minutes."

"Thank you, Sir," I nod, gripping my suitcase and leaving the room.

As I exit, I feel my

eliza schuyler reynolds💞

Where are you?

On my way. I had
to persuade
Washington :/

Okay... Do you
want me to order
your coffee already?

Yes please

Anything for you
haha :P


I scan the crowd of people, but find Eliza sitting at the corner table with the two coffees. I smile, pacing over.

"Hey," I grin, sitting down. Eliza slides my coffee over.

"Hey," she repeats. "So... How long do you have?"

"About ten minutes. I wish the drive here would be two minutes, rather than five."

Eliza nods, sipping slowly. She sets it down on the table carefully. "When will you get home today?"

I sigh, tired. "Late," I say. Her head slightly droops, and her face curls into a frown. I place my hands into hers. "I'm sorry, babe. I really am."

"I know... It's just that," Eliza sharply sighs, "Phillip isn't even going to know you if you keep this up. You're not gonna get to know Phillip. You'll basically be strangers."

"Eliza!" I retort, near angered. She unlatches our hands, crossing her arms. "How could you say something like that?"

"Maria, when was the last time you fed Phillip? Played with him? Changed his diapers? Put him to bed? When was the last time you even held him?" She cries, her eyes welling up.

I sigh, looking at my phone. 3 minutes until I have to leave. "I promise that I'll try to get home from work early, okay? I'll take up this matter with Washington."

"And what if he doesn't let you get off earlier? What sacrifice are you willing to make for me? Because if you can only get off of work for one day, where are we going to be in a few years?"

"I would quit my job for you," I state without thinking. Eliza purses her lips, taking another deep breath.

I check my phone again. I sigh, "I have to go."

"It's fine," She mutters, "I'll see you tonight."

I stand up, grabbing my coffee. I hesitate to kiss her, but end up just walking out the door.

As I sit down in the car, Eliza puts her head down on the table, curling up in the seat. I frown, my heart burning.

I grab my phone, opening up messages.

Secretary Hamilton

Tell Washington that I'll
be back in 30 minutes.
Also, schedule me in for a
meeting with him at 2:00.

2:00 is already taken.
I can put you in at
2:30, though.

That's fine. Thanks Alex.

No problem.


I pace back into the coffee shop, placing my hand on Eliza's shoulder. I sit down with my coffee. She looks up,
eyes overflowing with tears now.

I lean over the table, pressing a peck onto her forehead. "30 minutes," I smile, laying back into the chair.

"W-What? Babe, Washington will literally fire you!" She exclaimed.

"Let him," I responded, wiping a bit of coffee off of my lower lip. I smudged a bit of lipstick, but ignored it. I presumed to look at the line, which didn't have many people in it. "I'm gonna get us some scones. You want anything else?"

"Just you," she snickered.

"Pfft. Love you weirdo."

"You too dork."

s h e l b y
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