honey | hamburr

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Burr listened intently as Hamilton's loud footsteps traveled across the upstairs and down the stairs. He slid across the hardwood floor, wrapping his arms around Aaron's neck gently. Aaron, still sitting, placed down his book. He looked up to see a very happy Alexander.

"What did yo-"

"Aaron Burr Junior!" Alexander screamed. Aaron frowned, a little bit scared. "You better start celebrating!"

"Why?" He asked, now fully closing his book. Alex let out a small squeal, doing a little twirl. He began to forget Aaron even asked anything.

"Jeez! What'll we name it? Oh my god! What if we name her Alex Jr! Or Aaron Junior! Well... Junior Junior. What about just Junior. That's so cute!" He spluttered. Aaron rose to his feet, grasping Alex's shoulders.

"Alexander. Why are we celebrating?"

"God, did I forget to tell you already! I got us a puppy!" Alex squealed. Aaron took a moment to process the information.

"A... A puppy?" He repeated. Alex nodded. Two beats passed. "Oh my god you got us a puppy! What breed is it? When do we get it? How old is it?"

"It's a golden doodle! We'll get to pick her up on Saturday. She's two months old now."

Aaron shrieked in excitement, followed by Alexander laughing.


Burr held the small puppy in his hands gently. He softly pet her ear with his thumb. The puppy was asleep.

He awed, swiftly holding her close to his chest. Alex sat impatiently, his hands outstretched.

As Aaron passed along the pup, Alex's usual pep evaporated. Care replaced it.

The small creature nearly brought tears to his eyes. "What'll we name her?" Alex whispered, gently petting her stomach.

"I have a few in mind."

"Like what?"

"Well... I guess I only have one now that I think about it," Aaron chuckled. Alex tweaked his head in curiosity. "Honey."

Hamilton inhaled sharply to replace squealing. "That's adorable," He whisper shouted.


Aaron held the cage gently with the sleepy puppy inside. Alexander delicately signed the papers one by one.

Up came the slot at the top of the fourth paper. Alex reread the topic a few times, playing with the pen in he balm of his hand.


Alex leaned into Burr's shoulder. "So, we're going with Honey?"

Burr nodded, smiling. Alex smiled back warmly, grasping the pen tightly.

Name:___Honey Burr-Hamilton___

They both smiled at the writing on the page. Alexander continued to fill out the paperwork.

~1 Month Later~

"Honey- treats!" Burr said, grinning widely. The small dog waddled to the kitchen, her tail wagging wildly.

Alex flipped out his phone, taking a video. Aaron tapped Honey's behind, commanding, "Sit."

Obediently, she sat down. Aaron showered her in praise, giving her a treat.

"Okay, now," Aaron giggled as the dog pounced on him. "Speak."

A bark erupted out the the small creature. Aaron clapped, giving her two treats instead of one. "Good girl!" Alex smiled.

Alexander ended the video, standing up. He picked up the dog as if it were a baby. He booped Honey's nose.

"It's things like dogs that make me wanna have children," Alex proclaimed. Aaron's face flushed lightly, and he released a small chuckle.

"Me too."

s h e l b y
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