no more | hamliza

620 14 6


alexander hamilton

"Eliza, open the door!" I yelled, banging my fist on the door of the bathroom. I fiddled with the knob, still shouting.

"Leave me alone, Alexander!" Eliza shouted back. I could practically feel her tears in her voice.

I fell to the ground, feeling weak. I stopped all my actions, gently placing my hand on the door. We stayed silent, the only sounds filling our house were deep breaths and sniffles.

"Please," I pleaded, small tears rolling down my cheeks. I heard a shift, and then the swing of a cabinet. She was going for the pills. "Eliza, please," I repeated, begging her to keep herself safe.

The door suddenly swung open, and I stared up at Eliza with watered eyes. She had tears streaming down her face as she sunk down to the floor, placing the pill bottle in my shaky hands.

I looked up at her, my heart on fire. "Take them to the master bathroom. Lock them in the cabinet," She whispered meekly.

I nodded, but set them to my side. I leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on her trembling lips. She leaned into it, wrapping her thin arms around my neck.

We broke off and I stared into her broken galaxy eyes. "I love you, Liza," I whispered with a genuine smile.

She huffed out a small breath, a tiny grin forming on her face. "I know, Alexander. I know."


I rushed to the bathroom, tuning in to the horrid sound of my wife vomiting. I approached the bathroom, gently placing my hand on the knob. "Eliza?" I asked, knowing it wasn't my place to just barge in. "What's going on in there, babe?"

"I feel sick," She coughed. I heard another load leaving her body. She coughed again, and I opened the door. Tears flooded her eyes. "I wasn't purging, I swear. I just haven't been feeling well lately."

I frowned, sitting by her side. I knew she was lying. I took her into my arms. I didn't care about the smell, but her well being was getting worse by the day.

Once she was finished, I gently rubbed her back, whispering, "What's going on with you, Liza?"


My heart ripped again at the feeling of a lonely bed. Eliza was in a recovery hospital, leaving me alone.

I quietly sobbed into the pillow, a cold feeling washing over me with every tear. Part of me felt angry, another felt angry for being angry, the other feeling pure pain.

I slowly sat up, gently wrapping my arms around my knees. I looked around the room with worn eyes. Too many memories of her. Too many shared moments.

"C'mon, Liza," I sniffled quietly. A shudder ran up my spine, making more tears drop. "C'mon," I whispered once more.

I crippled under the bed sheets, holding one of her pillows to my chest. Her sweet scent flowed, slightly calming my nerves.

"C'mon," I whispered one final time.


I peeked into the bathroom, seeing Eliza glaring at her reflection in the mirror. I almost intervened, but she giggled.

"No more being sad, Eliza!" She yelled at herself. "No more!"

I nearly snickered, but held it in. She raised at eyebrow, a grin forming on her face. "You're freaking beautiful," She nodded, whipping her long hair around her shoulders. "And your outfit is cute today."

I smiled, leaving the door.

No more being sad.

s h e l b y
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