shrek | marliza

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maria reynolds

Eliza and I nearly screamed as we searched through the Netflix catalog. We were just trying to find a movie to snuggle up and watch when we came upon a theme: "Everyone's Watching..."

As I slowly scrolled the movies, we spotted it.


Immediately, Eliza and I burst into screams of laughter. I laughed hard enough that my back hurt, and Eliza looked like she would die. She turned to me and strained, "My-hahaha! Ahahaha! My stomach! Ahahaha! It hurts so bad! Hahahahaha!"

We let our laughter die down, and wiped away our tears of joy. Just as soon as we finished, I turned to her and said in my most ogre-like voice, "Ogres are like," I paused and snorted, "onions."

Eliza and I burst into around round of tears and broad laughs. Eliza exhaled with a giggle and then cooed, "I was only nine years old."

I nearly exploded at the reference, toppling off the couch and onto the floor. Eliza laughed even harder at me falling, but still came to my side to help me up. "Somebody once told me," I snickered before I started laughing my ass off again.

The next thing I knew, Eliza and I were re-enacting all of the scenes from Shrek. Currently on Shrek 3, Eliza and I wrapped ourselves up in a ton of blankets to try to look like the image on the screen.

Of course Fiona and Shrek looked much more fancy in their king and queen clothing, but we didn't have time for that.

Eliza and I turned towards each other, straining to kiss over the blankets. Eliza lost her balance and fell over, and I dropped to the ground with her. "You good?"

"I'm just great," she smiled. I unraveled our blankets and paused the movie. I picked her up bridal style and laid her down on the couch. Snuggling up to her, I planted small kisses on the back of her neck. She giggled and blushed up. "Babe," she strained out.

"What?" I said, copying her tone.

"What about the movie?"

"Screw the movie, you're my number one focus."

Eliza blushed just a tint darker. I wrapped my arms around her petite waist and pulled her closer. "I love you," I whisper.

"Love you too," she smiled.

We continued to watch the rest of the Shrek movies.

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