phone | jamilton

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Alex was casually jerking off at 11:37 PM as an idea bloomed into his head.

The immigrant had been hinting at how Jefferson may have had a crush on him. They weren't exactly friends, but they weren't really enemies either.

There was simply only way for Alex to find out if Jefferson liked him.

Alexander...Oh, Alexander. What a kinky bitch.


Alex quickly snatched his phone and tapped into the contacts app. He scrolled down to the the 'T' section, easily finding Thomas' name.

He began to pump himself faster as he pressed the call symbol. Alex smirked to himself, beginning to moan into the act.

Jefferson wasn't asleep at all. He was actually up late thinking about Alexander. When the phone rang, he merely blushed.

"Hello?" Thomas responded to the ringing. "Alex?"

The Virginian listened to the phone as an abrupt moan cracked through.

"A-Alex?" Thomas asked again. Another moan broke through, making Thomas blush harder.

Thomas pushed the speaker button and placed it by his ear. He knew it was weird, and he should have just ended the call, but the noises Alex made were so


He began to realize that Alex was jerking off. "Oh~" Alex moaned loudly, followed by a sharp exhale.

Jefferson slowly snaked his hand down to the bulge in his pants. He placed pressure on it.

He let out the lightest grunt, cautious to not inform Alex that he'd been masturbating to him over a phone.

"Yes~"Alex laughed breathily. There was a break of just the sound of silence. Another whorish moan broke through the speakers.

Thomas slowly but surely slid his pants and boxers off. He stroked himself gently, keeping in all noises.

It was going well. Thomas was doing just fine not moaning, and Alex kept his moans into the microphone like a pro.

Alex's mind was exploding with filthy thoughts, as well as ways to make this scenario even more alive. He wanted to be sure to pick the correct option to get the right outcome.

To get the correct pitch, he slid his thumb over his slit, squeaking, "Tommy!"

Jefferson stopped his movements, frantically looking at his phone. He waited patiently for words or even another moan.

Another minute passed before a loud groan erupted. The Virginian let out a contented sigh before continuing.

Alex occasionally called out his name, moaning dirty words, sure to push Thomas over the edge. Alex had already reached his climax twice before Thomas actually got to his pinnacle.

He grasped his pillow, harshly biting down on it as the warmth in his stomach pooled out. Hot, white ribbons danced out of his dick, making him bite harder.

As he let go of the pillow, he momentarily forgot that there was a phone by his ear. "F-Fuck," He stuttered out, well enough to get through the line.

There was a pause.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh, wait- Oh! Yeah! Fuck! Shit! Damnit!"

Alexander laughed into the phone. "How was it?"

"Oh, fuck you. You planned this, didn't you?" Thomas growled. A snicker came through the line.

"Yeah," Alex said, rubbing his neck. "But I didn't think you'd actually go as far as to jerk off to me."

"Oh whatever. You're still way kinkier than me."

"Eh, you're right-but, I've never openly jerked off to just sounds. I'll be over in about ten minutes."



The sound of knocking resounded throughout Thomas' house. Thomas was quick to go and open it, quickly bringing Alex inside.

"Lead me the way," the immigrant snickered.

"First things first."


"How'd you find my address?"

s h e l b y
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