breathe | lams

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Alexander was madly in love with John. They had become boyfriends about a year ago, and almost everyone picked up on their relationship.

As much as John loved Alex, Alexander was always working on his projects and his assignments. He was always an overachiever, but maybe that was what John loved about him.

John relaxed on the couch in their dormitory. Alexander madly typed away on his laptop, working on an essay for his English class.

John smirked, sneaked up behind him and fluffed Alex's hair. Alex flinched and turned to him. "Laurens! Good Lord, you scared me!" He yelped.

"Babe," John whined, dragging out his word. Alex rolled his eyes and turned back to his essay. John wrapped his arms around his boyfriends neck. "Take a break."

"I can't. I'm only on the 73rd paper," Alex said with a small sigh. John placed his head on Alex's shoulder and picked him on the cheek.

No matter how many times they would kiss, Alex always blushed. Maybe it was the embarrassment, but he didn't even really know.

"What was the minimum," John sighed, pecking his cheek once more. Alex hesitated to answer.

"Three pages," Alex mumbled, ashamed. The freckled boy giggled and snatched his laptop. Alex almost screamed. "Babe, this is coming to the point where your essays are just extra."
Alex desperately tried to get his laptop back from his boyfriend.

"Jack," Alex strained, flailing his arms at his laptop. The other boy giggled even more. John walked over to the counter and placed down the laptop.

"C'mon, you've been typing the entire day," he laughed. Alex flushed and crossed his arms, getting irritated that he wasn't getting any work done. Alexander never liked being laughed at in any way or form. "Like seriously, just breathe."

"Breathe? I am breathing."

"You know what I meant."

Alexander grumbled something rude about John, but it wasn't audible to John at the time.

John slithered his arms around Hamilton's waist and pulled him closer. He moved a small stray hair off from his face. He smiled as Alexander started to warm up to him.

John always felt that Alex was the most beautiful person on the planet. Sure, John's ego wasn't that high, he always admitted that. However, Alex just made him happier about everything, including himself. It was vice versa for Alex.

John smiled and gave Alex a small kiss. As much as Alex didn't want to admit he wanted it, he accepted the kiss. They stood there for a while, just hugging by the kitchen counter.

Soon Alex whispered, "Sorry." John pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes. He didn't reply, but he rather just admired everything about him.

Laurens took his hands in his and swung him up into his arms. Alex gave a small peep. They waltzed to their shared room, even though there were two rooms.

Alexander was set down on the giant bed. Alex crumbled underneath the sheets and patted the mattress. John happily joined him on the bed and pulled the sheets over them. Alex softly breathed into his ear and wrapped his arms around Lauren's waist.

"See, I knew this was all you needed."

Alex sighed and nudged his head into John's neck further, slowly drifting away to a deep sleep. With a smile on his face, he joined Alex in his slumber.

Their soft snores filled the room as the afternoon melted into a brisk night. John always knew one thing about Alex being stressed. He just needed to breathe.

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