cuddles | kingbury

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Sam perked up at the sound of George entering their house. He was cooking spaghetti, which was just about finished. "Georgie?" He called out sweetly.

Sam was so intently focused on not screwing up the sauce that he didn't notice George come into the kitchen.

The taller slithered his arms around Sam's hips, linking them. Sam jumped in shock, but smiled.

George lightly kissed at the smaller's neck, gently nipping at his ear. Sam sighed with relief, but firmly said, "Not today. Not now."

George nodded, still keeping his head in his shoulder. "So, what exactly is for dinner?"

"Well, this is just a bit of chicken noodle soup, but I have zucchini logs in the oven. I filled yours with things I figured you'd like," He explained, grinding a bit more salt and pepper into the soup.

George untangled his arms. "I'm gonna go change," He explained. Sam nodded, walking over the spice drawer.


George scrolled through the endless amounts of movies, trying to find something for the couple to watch.

The taller grinned out of the corner of his mouth, clicking over to "Horror."

"Georgie, you know I don't like horror," Sam said quietly, shimmying further into the bed. George stayed silent, still clicking around.

He settled on The Conjuring. Sam was already nearing George, let alone the fact that he was almost fully under the covers.

"Ready?" George asked, smiling. Sam scooted up against him, wrapping his hand into his lovers.

"Of c-course," He gulped as George clicked the play button.


Sam shrieked once more, tears nearly forming in his eyes. He was clinging onto George, deeply breathing.

"I hate this," He sharply sighed, forcing his eyes back to the screen.

George, on the other hand, hadn't even flinched. Sam figured he'd already seen the movie before.


The movie ended, Sam literally shaking with eyes spitting out small tears. George turned to him, a smile on his face. "That was a great movie, dont you think?" He exclaimed happily.

"Y-You bitch," Sam shuddered, shaking his head no. George turned to the clock. Sam noticed. "What time is it anyways?"


Sam nodded, yawning. "That means it's time for bed," He insisted, resigning to the covers. He pulled the sheets over his shoulder, turning the other way.

George huffed a short breath, settling himself under as well. He shuffled himself towards Sam.

The taller gently wrapped his arms around the smaller's hips, pulling him closer. Sam's eyes shot open, his cheeks furiously blushing. "B-Babe," He breathed.

George kissed his neck, a smile growing on his face. "Don't worry, I'll protect you from all the monsters," He giggled onto Sam's skin.

"Hh-hah... You're so bad," Sam whispered with a happy tone. Sam turned over, sitting in George's lap. "I love you."

Before George could respond, Sam hungrily leaned down, kissing him. George turned to his side, taking Sam with him.

They continued kissing, the taller playing with his lover's hair. They broke off, looking deeply into each other's eyes.

George leaned in for another kiss, but Sam backed off. "We need to sleep. We both have early meetings," Sam smiled, hooking his thumb onto George's bottom lip.

They settled, Sam curling up into his lovers chest. George placed a firm kiss into Sam's forehead, holding his head.

"And I love you too," George finally responded.

They fell asleep in each other's arms, dreams of love blossoming into their minds.

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