waitress | phildosia

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It was a regular day at Dîner de Minuit, the restaurant I work as a server for. Regular petty customers, and uncomfortable eaters who were way too underdressed. It's a fancier restaurant, yes, but it pays well.

A group of four boys had walked in, all at least attempting to dress up. White button ups, black pants, some with a tie, others with bow ties. Though, only one of them wore suspenders.

Three were older, while the one looks around my age. He looked 19 from where I stood.

They were seated, and I waited the regular time, two minutes, before walking over.

"Good evening, my name is Theodosia. I'll be your waitress tonight. Can I help any of you to some drinks or appetizers?" I smiled, holding my pen and notebook lightly.

A man with a low voice spoke up first, saying, "I'll have a water with lemon."

The second, a lankier man with a French accent replied, "I will have what he is having, mademoiselle."

I nodded, smiling a little more at the word 'mademoiselle." The third, a very short man, grinned, "I'll just have water."

Finally, the young man who had caught my eye spoke up. "I-um. Uh. I-uh. I guess I'll have-um- water with-uh- lemon," He stuttered out, his hands softly shaking.

"Any any appetizers tonight?" I asked the low voiced man, quickly observing the younger man's nervousness.

"None, thank you," He responded, resting his hand on the table. I nodded, pacing away.


"Well damn, Theo," Peggy smiled. "You got lucky! I haven't had a whole table of cute guys in a while."

"Pfft, stick to the rules," I responded. It's not like I can interfere with anything unless they ask me to or I see something going down. It's policy.

I peek out of the chef's window. They're almost done with their food. I shoot Peggy some finger guns before I burst out of the doors.

I walk over once more, a genuine smile on my face. "How was the food?" I grin. The smallest man gives a thumbs up while the freckled man swats his hand. I almost laugh, but laughing at a customer is against policy.

"It was great," the freckled man grinned, gaining composure.

"Can I interest any of you in some desserts or drinks?" Rosé, champagne, and straight vodka were the orders of three. I turned to the younger man once more. "Anything for you?"

He shifted uncomfortably, shaking. The short man placed a gentle hand on his, pointing to an order. He nodded, "I'll try a mojito."

Something inside me went off at he fact that we was so uncomfortable. Maybe he was underaged, but he did look like he was okay to pass for it.

Maybe he's the driver? Though, he did order a mojito. I suppose those don't do too much affect.

The short man leaned towards me, whispering, "He's my son. It's his 21st birthday."

I nodded, now understanding. I paced myself back to the kitchen. I only made one trip and I already had tea for Peggy.


It was one week before I saw the hostess, Maria, lead him to the same table. Him, as in the freckled man.

I was almost angry, but I didn't have a reason to be. I shook my head and slapped a smile on my face, waiting two minutes.

I walked out quickly, pressing my notebook to my chest. I stopped, looking over him.

"Theodosia, right?" He smiled. "Why don't you sit down?"

"That's strictly against policy, but thank you. I'll be you're server today, what can I get you to start with?"

He nervously twiddled his thumbs on the menu. "Two things. What's the cheapest item on the menu?"

"Water. It's free. If you want a lemon slices, it'll cost fifty cents per slice."

"Okay, cool. I'll have one water, no lemon slices. Secondly, can I have your schedule for when you work here?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your schedule. Can I have it?"

My face pooled into a state of heat. I shook my head, covering my face with the notebook and taking a deep breath. "Sir-" I started, but a hand was placed on my shoulder.

My boss, Mr. Washington, was now standing by my side. "Can I help you, Sir?" He asked with a stricter tone than usual.

The freckled man shuddered a bit, but regained posture in his seat. "I was just asking for her work schedule," He smiled, a very fake smile placed on his seat.

And then it all went down.

I watched as security kicked him out. Literally. They threw him out the door.

The door closed and Mr. Washington made his way back towards me. "Are you okay, Miss Burr?"

"Yes, sir. I should get back to tending other diners now," I said, gritting my teeth. He nodded, letting me go, but I only paced back to the kitchen to find Peggy in the corner on her phone.

I walked over, checking my surroundings. "Hey Pegs, cover for me."

"But it's my break!"

"That's what I've said for the past six days. Now cover for me."


I stepped out of the back door, rounding my way to the front. The man's outfit was completely ruined. "Oh my God," I mumbled, running up to him. "Are you okay?"

He let out a soft laugh, playing around with his tie which was now covered by dirt. "I'm fine," He grinned, slowly standing up.

Standing up he was much taller than me. I blushed lightly, but kept posture. "So, you ordered a water with no lemon, right?" I giggled. He snickered cutely.

We stood awkwardly before he stuck out his hand which I shook. "Phillip Hamilton."

"Theodosia Burr."


Phillip and I spread out on his couch, the tv playing To All The Boys I've Ever Loved Before.

"Ready?" I smiled. He raised an eyebrow at me, but I just put up my index finger. I intently waited for Peter Kavinsky to say his iconic line.

I grinned, pointing at the screen and turning to my boyfriend. "Woah, woah, woah," I said almost professionally.

"Oh my God, you dork," He sighed. I laughed at his reaction, pushing his arm. He retorted, pinning me to the couch. My face lit up.

He peppered my lips in kisses, and I just giggled more. "Your dork," I corrected. He smiled.

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