tree | washette

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Lafayette walked into Washington's tent with a solid posture. He waited for the curtain to close before, sighing and letting his shoulders slump.

The frenchman gently looked at the shadows of the guards around the entrance. He shook his head, sitting down at the General's small desk.

"What are you doing here, Lafayette?" Washington stated, placing his pen down. He looked up with tired eyes at his secret boyfriend.

Lafayette reminded himself to keep quiet. "Mon amour," He sighed, but George shot him a glare. Lafayette let out another defeated sigh. "Monsier."


"Get out of here for a little while. Spend some time with moi," He pleaded. George looked at him, a questioning expression on his face. Lafayette shrunk into his seat.

Laf knew when to back down. George was always a little more dominant, per sé,  in their relationship.

George ran a shaky hand through his hair, inhaling deeply. "The war," He started, his voice broken and full of stress. Lafayette placed his hand on top of the generals.

"One afternoon out," Laf stated quietly. "One afternoon is all I'm asking."

George glanced from the frenchman's face to the guards outside the tent. He nodded, standing up.

They exited, Washington telling the men to keep their guard up in case anyone were to steal a document. The two continued walking until they found their horses.

"Lead the way," George smiled gently.


George settled in between the roots of the rather large willow tree. Lafayette smiled, joining him. Washington softly wrapped his cape around Lafayette, placing a small kiss on his lips.

They silently watched the creek rush by. "I love you," George smiled. There was a pause before the general looked down at his love.

Lafayette was fast asleep, curled up against Washington. George let out a quiet chuckle, leaning his head to rest on Laf.

"Or... Je t'aime," George snickered quietly, falling asleep quite quickly.

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