evening kisses | hamliza

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alexander hamilton

I fidgeted with the cuff of my white button up shirt. The blue bow tie didn't lay around my neck quite right. I shook my head, fairly unsatisfied. I sighed, ripping it off.

"John!" I shouted. I heard a groan erupt in the other room. There was a quick huff that followed the noise.

He responded, but I couldn't quite hear him. I paused Kindergarten Boyfriend, broadly frowning at the tie in my hand.

"Get in here!" I shouted once more.

"Why!" He screamed back, now audible.

"I need help!"

I heard him shuffle off the couch and begin to walk towards my bathroom. He entered with a yawn.

He was wearing a white t-shirt and green boxers. His hair was messy, and his eyes showed how he'd probably just woken up from a nap. Still, he looked dashing as ever.

"What," he croaked. I held up the bow tie, and he nodded. He snatched it casually, wrapping it around my neck. "You know the safe word," He chuckled.

"You gay bit-" I was cut off as he basically strangled me to shut me up. I coughed and he took away the restraint.

He tied the bow neatly, tightening it bit by bit until I called him off. "Thanks," I smiled in the mirror. We connected eyes for a quick second before he patted my back.

"Alright I'm going back to bed," he announced, casually walking away.


"Okay, John, I'll be back by 11. Don't forget to feed the turtle!"

"His name is Micheal Shell!" He screamed at me.


I soon found my hands to become clammy as I neared the Schuyler's house. I don't know why I was so nervous for this date. I've been on plenty before.

My hands grew sweaty and my eyes dilated. I huffed out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. "Damnit it, Alexander," I cursed at myself.

I quickly found myself at the house. It loomed above me brightly. I shuddered, knocking on the huge front door.

It opened to reveal Peggy in paint stained overalls. She wore a yellow striped shirt underneath. There was paint on her face as well. "Oh! Hi, Lex," She smiled. "I'll get Liza down here."

She turned away, screaming out Eliza's name. Eliza responded, "Ah! Two seconds, two seconds!"

Eliza emerged from the second floor. She wore a creamy dark blue dress that went just below her knees. The sleeves were a navy and had lacy patterns on them. Small white beads danced along the bottom of the skirt.

I placed my hand out for her to take, which she happily did. Mr. Schuyler entered the scene with a grin. He patted my shoulder.

"Have her back here by 10, and don't try to pull anything stupid," He instructed.

"Of course, Sir," I grinned, playfully sticking out my tongue at Eliza. She giggled.


Eliza picked up the menu with a grin. Her smile faded and she looked up at me. "Alexander, this is really expensive," She said, shuffling in her seat.

I gulped, "I made a reservation three months ago just for this. Pick whatever you want."

She nodded, still visibly uneasy. I shrugged it off.


As we entered the car again, the sun was setting. It was fairly close to dark.

"Open up the glovebox," I directed. Eliza opened it to find a black bandana.

"Oh!" She exclaimed curiously. "What's this for?"

"Put it on; I have a little surprise."

She nodded gracefully, wrapping the bandana right on her eyelids. I started up the car, holding her right hand.

We drove off into nowhere, chatting about whatever came to mind. I drove on backroads to throw her off on where we were going.

I finally parked the car at the top of the cliff, unbuckling. "Stay here, I'll help you out of the car," I directed. She nodded, staying in place.

I rounded the car, grabbing two blankets from the trunk. I opened the door, helping her out.

A breeze flew through, making Eliza giggle lightly. "Ready?" I asked.

"As I'll ever be," she smiled.

I took the blindfold off of her, revealing our location.

We were at the top of a stony cliff with nothing in sight. The stars gleamed above us. I set down one blanket, patting for her to sit.

She sat by me and I wrapped the other blanket around the two of us. Eliza leaned into my shoulder.

It was quiet, but filled with love.

Eliza then sat up, facing towards me. She looked deep into my eyes, her lips slightly parting.

I caressed her cheek, pulling her towards me. Our lips connected, and she snaked her arms around my neck.

We parted, looking into each other's eyes again before we kissed once more.

She huffed into the kiss, tilting her head.

We broke off, holding one another in each's arms. Another breeze passed through, and I held her close to me.

"I love you, Eliza," I whispered.

"I love you too, Alexander."

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