manwhore | hamliza

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alexander hamilton
I scrolled through the photos John sent me. They were of me sucking his dick at his house from twenty minutes ago.

No regrets. He has a nice dick.

Eliza stormed into the room and growled. "Alexander, where have you been?"

Her foot was tapping on the floor, signifying that shit was getting real. "Work," I mumbled under my breath, rapidly exiting out of messenger.

"Are you sure?" Eliza retorted, stepping closer. I turned off my phone and placed it on my nightstand.

"Yes. I had a meeting," I smiled cockily. (haha see what i did there)

"So what's with all these new stains on your clothes?" She asked, wavering at my outfit. "Cause I don't think that coffee is white and thick."

I almost giggled at that. Eliza's eyebrows furrowed at my expression. "Why are you so worried about it, Liza?"

"Can't you just tell me the truth, Alex? Just... Have you been having sex with other people?"

I played with my fingers, bored, as I responded, "What if I told you yes?"

Eliza had a look of pain shoot through her eyes but it was replaced by anger. She tried multiple times to find some words to reply with, but they just didn't seem to come to her mouth.

After a brief moment of silence, Eliza shouted, "Y-You're a manwhore!"

I smiled and let a soft chuckle roll off my lips. "I prefer manslut, thank you very much."

s h e l b y
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lmao i thought of this story while i was on my way to church. bless up.

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