midnight | jeffmads

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thomas jefferson

I sat at my home bar, slowly drinking whiskey. My phone buzzed with messages from Alexander.

A. Hamilton
Come overrrr

A. Hamilton
John is out tonight and he'll be staying at Lafayette's after

A. Hamilton
Don't be a wimp, Jefferson

A. Hamilton
C'mon, just one more night

A. Hamilton
I'll do anything for you ;)

Why didn't I just block his number. We had sex twice in our relationship, and as soon as I moved on and started dating James, this is what I got.


I picked up my cup and drank another swig. The buzzing died down, but was soon followed by the buzzing of a phone call rather than a text.

Grabbing my phone, I quickly answered it. "Alexander, what do you want?"

"Just come over," Alex slurred. I paused.

"Are you... drunk?" I asked.

"Nooo!" He whined, slurring.

"Lex, we've discussed this. Go to bed, and block my number."

I ended the call, but another buzz erupted. It was another call from Alexander. I grumbled, cancelling the call. Another erupted.

I let it ring, slowly sipping more whiskey. He continued to call me. Each time it would end, another would pop up. I sighed, pouring more alcohol.

After what seemed like 100 calls, it stopped.

I sighed, picking up my phone.

Tuesday, December 4

18 Missed Calls

A. Hamilton
2 Missed Calls

I almost screamed, quickly swiping at James' contact. The phone rang for a while before he answered. "James, James!" I yelled into the phone.

A sniffle came through my speakers, and it tore my heart into pieces. I bolted up the stairs, keeping myself on the line.

"Babe, is everything okay?" I asked quickly, wrapping on my trench coat. I headed for my Vans.

"T-Thomas," he cried. It broke my heart to hear him like this. "T-T-T..."

"Shh, shh. Deep breaths, Jemmy. Deep breaths," I warmly shushed. I grabbed my keys, bolting to my car.

He hiccuped over the line, still crying. "T-Thomas I-I," He cried. "I c-can't do I-I I c-can't m-ake I-I it th-rough t-the ni-ight!"

"Shh, it's okay. It's okay. Did you take your medicine?" I asked, starting up the car and opening up the garage door.

"I-I r-ran out-t t-two days ag-go," He sniffled. I sighed.

"Jemmy, why didn't you tell me sooner?" I sighed. I quickly took back that remark, not wanting to make things worse. "Where do you keep your essential oils?"

"T-The bathroom."

Bathroom. Mirrors. Razors. Medication. Bars high up. Bathtub.

"Okay, okay. Don't go in the bathroom," I stated. "I'm going to be there in fifteen minutes, maybe twelve. Listen to me okay?"

He let out a small peep instead of a yes. I sighed once more, taking the backroad to his house.

"Are you in bed?"


"Can you get to bed?"


"Good, good. I want you to go to bed and wrap up in your soft blanket, okay?"


There was some shuffling, and a few creaks which I presumed were from the floor and his bed. He finally let out a breath.

"What n-now?"

"Jemmy, do you still have the teddy bear I gave you for our first date?"

"Y-Yeah. Of course."

"Okay, I want you to take that teddy bear and hug it as tightly as you need to. You can put me on speaker and put me on your nightstand if that makes you feel better."

There was a bit more shuffling.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

It suddenly became very quiet. It was unreasonably quiet.

"Jemmy?" I called out. No response came through the speakers. The GPS flashed '8 Minutes.' I shifted in my seat. "J-James?" I called out again with a sort of laugh. "James are you still there?"

I suddenly felt very cold and alone. A ping of pain shot through my head.

"I can't lose you too!" I screamed in a frenzy. My hands shook and I gripped the steering wheel. My knuckles soon grew white.

I sped.


I sprinted to his door, exasperated. "James?"I screamed, fumbling with my keys.

I unlocked the door, quickly opening it up. I shut it tightly and bolted up the stairs. His door was shut, but definitely not locked. I made him get rid of his lock for times like these.

I slowed down, making sure I wouldn't scare him as I entered his room. James cowered in the corner of his bed, tightly gripping onto the teddy bear.

"G-Get out of m-my house!" He managed to scream. His eyes were welled up from crying, and his hair was a disaster. As a whole he was shaking madly.

"Jemmy, it's okay," I soothingly whispered. "It's okay. It's me, Thomas. Remember? You called me twelve minutes ago."

"I don't know a Thomas," He cried, curling into the corner. "I-I."

He choked up on his words. I took two steps forward. He squeaked. "It's okay," I reassured.

"D-Don't h-hurt me-e," He sniffled shrinking by the second. I stopped in my tracks. I hated to see him like this. Instead, I sat down on the floor.

"I won't hurt you, babe."

He slowly took the bear down from his face. "Why are you here?" He frowned, trying to regain posture.

"We need to go to the hospital, James."

He shook his head, tears still roaming his face. He let out a sigh that had a laugh behind it. "They can't help me."

I shook my head. He frowned, clutching onto the bear once more. "Trust me."

~one week later~

James called me as I was driving. I pressed the answer button, holding it up to me ear.

"Jemmy, you called me three minutes ago," I giggled. He laughed into the microphone.

"You're taking forever!" He shouted happily. I giggled again.

"Listen, I'm pulling into the parking lot riiiiiiiight... now."

I ended the call and parked the car. I hopped out, pacing myself over to him.

He hugged me tightly. "Thanks," He smiled, breaking off.

"What for?"

"For saving me."

I kissed him gently. We headed back to the car.

s h e l b y
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