ranting session | heggy

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Peggy and Hercules have been dating for a while. They have a "Ranting Session" every Friday.
Peggy sat upside down on the couch, watching the tv. Hercules was criss-crossed by her side, supporting her head.

The tv was on mute because they were talking, but Peggy still insisted on looking at the cartoons.

Peggy let out a strained groan of anger. "Pegs, look at the bright side! At least you got a role."

The small girl flipped upwards, now sitting in Hercules' lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "But it's not the lead!" She strained.

Hercules pecked her lips. "Calm down, babe."

"All I do is push Eliza and Angie away from me and shout 'and Jasmine!' as loud as I can!"

Hercules ran his fingers through her hair soothingly. "You're character is gonna go down in history, Pegs. Well... She already did seeing as it's based on history. Still- You're a legend!"

"Pfft. Your role is better than mine! I mean, even the name is cool. 'Hercules Mulligan as Okieriete Onaodowan.' Can't you just see that in lights?"

He tsked, continuing to play with her hair. He gently kissed her jawline, Peggy blushing furiously. It was her weakness.

He slowly made his way down to her collarbone, placing small kisses all over. "B-Babe," Peggy exhaled shakily.

Hercules hummed on her skin. Breaking off their connection, he looked into her chocolate eyes.

"You need to take a chill pill," Hercules sighed, kissing her forehead.

"I'll leave that for the cast of Be More Chill," Peggy snickered. Hercules chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"Plus you have two roles. You have a whole song about you."

"I have the role of a whore, Hercules."

"At least it's a role."


The topic had transferred from Broadway all the way to beauty gurus. Peggy played with her blue acrylics as she spilled tea.

"I think I should go for red coffins next time," she stated, turned towards him again. Hercules gave her a confused look, investigating her nails as if they had secret clues on them. "Coffins are the sharp ovals."

"Oh! Yeah, I like those ones on you. I think that yellow looks really cute though."

The girl snickered at his confused sounding remarks on fashion. "I guess I'll have to get yellow then."


Peggy gasped. "You've never listened to a Heathers song?" Hercules shook his head. "I've made so many references already! What were you thinking when I was laughing so hard about slushees?"

"I thought you were referencing Be More Chill!" Hercules screamed, a slight tone of worry.

"Jesus! Don't tell me you're trying to get into anything else right now."

"I'm not."

"Awesome. You're gonna know every lyric by the end of today."

"Wait, Pegs-"

Peggy rapidly clicked buttons on her phone. She smiled, but her face turned cold as she looked up at Hercules.

"September 1st, 1989! Dear diary!" Peggy screamed at the top of her lungs, clapping between each word.

"Oh dear."


At this point Hercules' head was lying in Peggy's lap. She was braiding his hair out of curiosity. It was a task.

"I really do think think John has something for Alex," He giggled.

"But he literally just hooked up Maria!"

"That's the thing," He explained. "I think that it was fake. I know it's way out there, but John hasn't ever dated someone. He's 25 for God's sake! I think he faked it so that we would stop making fun of him."

"That does make sense, but how do you know he's gay?" Peggy said, fumbling with his hair. She groaned as she lost grip on of the hairs.

"Have you met John before?"

"Fair point."


"I love you," Peggy sighed, cuddling into Hercules chest. He wrapped his arms around her, pecking her forehead.

"I love you too."

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

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