more than friends | heggy

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Hercules Mulligan was having a lot of problems with love. Peggy, his best friend, was always there to help him. They had a system, really.

If Hercules was feeling sad, then Peggy would come over and she'd sit on the couch. Hercules would lie down on her legs and let out all his emotions.

If Peggy was feeling sad, then Hercules would come over and he'd sit on the couch. Peggy would sit face to face with him and let out all her emotions. From time to time she would sit up beside him and lean on him for support.

They really were the best of friends, and everyone knew that.

But then it changed.


Peggy picked up her phone and texted Hercules. She needed to talk with him. On the other hand, Hercules was just about to text her. They decided it would be best to meet up at Hercules' place.

The short girl slowly paced down the streets of New York. She watched as Alexander, an acquaintance of hers, started up yet another protest. She just rolled her eyes and kept walking.

She turned the corner and crossed the street. She yelled in fear as a angry cab driver almost hit her. She let it go as she always does, not wanting to cause too much commotion.

Arriving at the apartments, she slowly took a deep breath. Hesitantly, she walked up the metal stairs and found herself at his room. Letting her heart quickly pound a few times more, she gathered up all of her nerves and knocked on the white door.

Almost immediately, Hercules opened up the door and dragged her inside. They headed to the couch as they always do and sat down.

"You go first," Peggy insisted as she sat straight up. She wavered for him to come and lay on her lap.

"Okay," He sighed, hopping onto the couch and resting his head. Peggy brushed her fingers through his springy curls. "I mean, I just want to be in a relationship."

"Mmhmm," Peggy hummed as she focused her eyes to his. "A boy or a girl?"

"I'm not sure, just somebody," Hercules sighed. He enjoyed the feeling of her hands on his head. "I want them to love me for who I am, and not for my looks." Peggy nodded once more, drawing small circles on his scalp. "After the break up with Lafayette, I really don't know about dating."

"It's all about if you're ready," Peggy said quietly. "Don't start dating if you aren't ready for it."

"I think I am ready, honestly," He smiled, sitting up right. Peggy let her hand fall from his head. "You said you need to talk too?"

"Y-Yeah," She stuttered. Peggy hadn't even started to talk before she curled up against his side. Hercules didn't mind at all.

"What's on your mind?" He asked as he began to rub her shoulder.

"It's just," She started. "I don't know if I'm ready for this."

Peggy stood up and took a deep breath before pacing over to the door. She reached down to get her shoes before Hercules grabbed her wrist.

Peggy's face lit up a bright pink. The blush spread across her nose and up her cheeks. He frowned at her actions.

Peggy hesitantly tried to tugged away. "Pegs," Hercules started with his smooth voice. "You can always talk to me."

She looked up at his tall figure before hugging him tightly. She let small tears drain from her eyes on to his shirt. Hercules was confused, but hugged back.

He picked her up, and headed back to the couch. For a while, they just curled up together, Peggy still crying. Hercules rubbed her back and played with her hair.

"Okay," Peggy sniffled. "I'm just gonna say it." Hercules waited, making eye contact with her. "I love you, Hercules."

Hercules smiled warmly, hugging her. Peggy was in such a state of shock that all of her tears stopped. She hugged back, feeling all of the weight wash off her shoulders. They broke the hug. "You don't have to love me, and you don't have to be my friend. I understand if you don't want to be near me, and if you just want to excommunicate me from your life, but I just needed to say it."

She took another sharp breath as she tried to begin speaking again, but Hercules broke her off with a kiss. He latched his lips on hers.

Peggy kissed back but realized what was going on. She pushed him off of her, still madly blushing. Hercules smiled and embraced her, which pushed Peggy over the edge once more.

More tears flowed out of her eyes, but she still felt amazing. "Thank you," She sniffed.

"Of course, Peggy," Hercules smiled. He got up and grabbed Peggy's favorite blanket, wrapping her up. They slept together on the couch, happily dreaming of the future.


Alexander and John walked into the apartment. "Hello?" Alex called out. He heard no answer except for some soft snoring and mumbling.

Alex smirked at John as they followed the noise. The came up to the couch to see that Hercules was asleep sitting up while Peggy was sleeping on his lap.

"Aw," John smiled. "I told you they'd be cute together."

Alex giggled as he took a few photos of them. "Sure, sure."

John found it really adorable how Hercules mumbled her name is his sleep. The two men exited the apartment quietly, leaving no trace.

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