pride | leebury

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Horns blared as Lee looked at the man huddled on the ground once more. Lee bolted out onto the street, screaming, "Watch out!"

~four minutes earlier~

Samuel Seabury was on his way to a pride march. He was one of the leaders of the pansexual group. It was his duty to be there ahead of time and show all of the pansexuals where to meet up before the march.

He was a little nervous on time, as he did leave ten minutes later than expected. He was having a few troubles with packing his backpack.

Charles Lee, however, was on his way to work. Mr. Washington would kill him if he late one more day. He was running late.

Things went a little sideways.

Charles walked the same streets he did every day, saying the direction each time he turned. As he turned a solid left, he got stopped by an unexpected light.

He frowned, lightly tapping his foot on the concrete. Cars sped, but an old woman behind him caught his eye.

She grumbled inaudible words as she desperately tried to grab her wallet, which had fallen out of her purse. Lee gave a half hearted smile, walking back to her.

The walking signal flicked on, the crowd making their way across the street. Charles sharply turned, nearly walking with them.

He shook his head, pacing back to the wallet and placing it in the woman's hands. "Thank you, young man," She smiled, placing her wallet away.

As Lee turned around, he noticed three things: One, a man huddling in the middle of the crosswalk, very quickly trying to collect hundreds of pansexual pins. Two, the walking light turning red. Three, a car speeding straight at the man.

Horns blared as Lee looked at the man huddled on the ground once more. Lee bolted out onto the street, screaming, "Watch out!"

Charles quite literally hurled himself in front of the car, raising his hand out. "Stop!" He belted.

The car screeched to a stop, gently pushing Lee. Car horns erupted like the chiming of bells.

Charles let out an exasperated breath, helping out the thin man with his items and leading him to the other side of the street. "Thank you so much," He smiled. "I'm Samuel Seabury. Well, Sam."

He outstretched a hand, and Lee took it. "Charles Lee," He nodded.

Checking his watch, Charles knew he was already late. Might as well waste some more time, he frowned.

"You're pan?" Lee snickered, handing him another pin. Sam nodded, a sheepish grin on his face.

"You?" He asked. A text message from Washington erupted through Lee's pocket and he lightly shuddered.

"Bisexual. I'm going to the march at 3:00. I gotta get to Flame Towers... My boss is gonna kill me."

Sam nodded, slinging the backpack around his shoulder. "I'm the leader of the pansexual group this year. I guess I'll see you there if you turn up."

Charles chuckled, nodding. He gave Sam a small salute before pacing away.


The now ex worker of Washington found his way to a bar. Lee spotted him right away, a grin on his face. He wasn't sure how to approach, but he ended up just shouting, "Hey Sam!"

Sam wore a white shirt and black ripped shorts. He had a pansexual flag was being worn like a flag, and he had tall rainbow socks. His shoes had a rainbow lining as well as the lacing. His cheeks were painted with little dots. He wore a small golden crown, but most importantly a huge smile.

"Oh! Hey, Charles!" He grinned, passing out a pin to a person he had just finished a conversation with. "You showed up!"

"Yeah," He exhaled somewhat shakily. "So... Uhm. Heh! Do you know where the bisexual group is?"

Sam nodded with a grin, pointing to a building across the street. "They'll be behind that building."

Lee gave his thanks and began to head out. "Meet me back here after the parade!" Seabury shouted.


Charles was drunk, but managed to stumble back to the bar. Sam was lightly tipsy.

Most of the marchers had gone home, but Sam stayed behind. He figured he'd wait for his new friend.

Lee came up behind Sam, gently slapping his back and sitting down. "Bro! That was friggin' insane, man!" Charles laughed.

"Someone had a good time," The smaller chuckled, settling into his seat. "You came back to see me, eh? Why?"

"You're hot as fuck," He slurred, gently booping Seabury's nose. "Nah. Not hot. Cute, though. You're hella cute."

Sam blushed, helping Charles to put his hand back down. "Let's get you back home."


Samuel ended up taking him back to Flame Towers since he didn't know where he lived. Though Mr. Washington wasn't too ecstatic to see Charles nearly passed out, he guided Sam back to the Lee household.

Sam felt weird dropping off some stranger at his own house. As he tucked Charles into his bed, he snickered, "Maybe I should be an extended Uber driver."

He left the man, and walked down to exit. He spotted a small notebook and grabbed a pen from the counter.

Good morning, Charles. I hope you had fun at the march. Call me:

Samuel Seabury

With that, he left the house.

s h e l b y
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