hope you're proud | hamliza

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eliza schuyler-hamilton

I hear the door swing open as I burn the last letter Alexander had sent me. I don't even turn to check if it's him. There's no "Welcome home!" or "I missed you!" coming from my mouth today.

I let a few more tears drop down from my eyes. Why am I even crying? It's not my fault that he cheated on me. It's all his fault. I need to suck it up.

"Eliza?" I hear my name ring out through the house. I make no response. There's a few beats before I hear him call out my name once more. "Eliza?"

I hear his bags drop to the ground as he begins to run around the house, searching for any trace of my existence. I can feel his eyes piercing me as he steps into the corridor where I sit.

Small flames still roar in the small tray before me. He takes a step forward but I raise my hand for him to stop. I slowly get up, not looking towards him. We take a small pause before speaking once more.

"Alexander," I state coldly. I stay with my back turned to him. "Where do I even begin with you."

"Eliza," He attempts.

I turn around, tears still overflowing my eyes. I can barely even see him. "I do not give you any permission to speak to me!" I scream. He backs up and crosses his arms, unsatisfied with my tone. "Don't think you can do anything about my actions right now. All of this weight is on your shoulders!"

"What are you talking about?" He asks, playing it off as if he has no clue.

"How long did you think it would take me to figure this out, Alexander?" I sternly question. His face merely changes.

"Figure out what?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Alexander!" I scream. "Your affairs! Your stupid affairs that have ruined our lives! Affairs, Hamilton! Affairs!"

His pupils grow wider, but he still plays it off. He uncrosses his arms and looks me directly in the eyes. I stare at him, looking up due to his height.

"Why would you think that I had affairs? With who, furthermore?" He asked me, stone faced. I almost laughed at his comment, my face drying up now.

"Why? Hah! Because you had them! The only thing you ever do is write, and you seriously thought that I wasn't going to find out about the Reynolds Pamphlet? You named it after her! Moreover, did you really think that I couldn't hear or something? Words get around, Alexander, and let me tell you I know about all of your affairs. Don't even say that it was just Maria Reynolds, because I know that's it's not," I fight back. His expression completely changes from unfazed to worried. "I've tried so hard to ignore all of the words that have spread, but I'm your wife! Should I say ex-wife?"

Alexander gave in just like that. "With w-whom did you hear?"

"Everyone, Alexander. Everyone," I say, drying off the final bits of water off my face. "I heard about Maria, Angelica, John, Aaron, Jefferson, even your own general, Washington. Do you know how disgusting you are? I thought that you loved me, I really did, but no. Was I just not enough for you?"

Alexander was left with his thoughts surrounding him. I could see his regrets coming back and stabbing him.

I paced to get some water to put out the fire. I flicked water at the fire, dying it down. Smoke slowly rised up to the ceiling as I turn away and grab my bags.

I half expected a reality where Alexander would turn back and plead out and cry for me to come back. Instead he just mumbled, "Fine."

I had no troubles with that response whatsoever. Instead I ended our conversation with a few last words.

"I hope that you're proud of yourself."

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