weaker | washilton

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george washington

Alexander, one of my workers, hasn't been very well lately. From the day I met him, I knew something was a bit off, but he's been getting worse.

Much worse.

Alexander knocked quietly on the door before opening it up. His suit was messy, as well as his usually groomed hair. His tie was loose, and he wasn't clean shaven. He was in shambles.

"You asked to see me after work?" He asked dully. His regular pep and joy had vanished from his walk, voice, and eyes.

"What's going on with you, son?" I asked with sympathy. Alexander shuffled his feet, looking down.

"I'm quite alright, sir," He responded. "Just a bit tired."


"I'm not your son, Washington."

I rose from my seat and swung around my large desk. Alex backed up two steps. Leaning up against the desk, I looked at him, waiting for him to look back.

He shamefully lifted his head up, his eyes wide and full of tears. He stifled a sniffle before running up to me and wrapping his arms around my torso.

Shocked, but accepting, I hugged him back.

We stood there for a good amount of time before Alex broke the hug, quickly apologizing. I smiled, sitting him down in a chair beside mine.

"Would you mind telling me what's wrong, so-Mr. Hamilton?" I asked. He let off a small chuckle and looked back up at me.

"It's fine to call me 'Alex,'  you know?" He sighed deeply. "And, no, to answer your question."

I sighed, resting my forehead in my hands. "Alexander, I know you're not doing so well, but I just don't know why."

"Times are hard," Alex responded. I looked up at him to see his eyes welled with tears once more. He sniffed them up, saying, "Heh. Sorry I'm so touchy right now."

"It's better to get it all out than keep it in."

There was a brief pause before he resumed to tell me all of his problems. He begun with his cousin killing himself, as well as his crush, John Laurens, dying too. He explained on how he was running low on money, and how a best friend of his, Aaron Burr, had turned his back on him. Jefferson, his boyfriend, was being abusive. He took a big breath before breaking down into more tears and whispering something shamefully.

"What was that?" I asked gently. Alex shook his head, desperately trying to hold back tears. He held out his arms.

Confused, I just held his wrists in the palms of my hands. "Roll them up," Alex whispered.

With a sudden epiphany of what was going on, I carefully pushed his sleeves up his nimble arms.

Some small, some bigger, but all new.

"Alexander," I gaped. "Good god, Alex, why?"

He shook his head once more, dazed. We sat, talking until Alexander stood up to leave. He got to the door but couldn't seem to reach the handle.

"Is there a problem with the door?" I asked, knowing that the office doors tend to get jammed. Silence. "Alex?"

"I don't want to go home," He sighed. "Thomas is gonna be mad that I'm home late."

"Then don't go home," I explained eagerly. "Just come home with me. I have an extra bedroom. I'll speak with Jefferson about this matter tomorrow."

"Y-You can't talk with him. He'll freak out if you tell him I stayed at your house! And he'll be even more mad if he knew I told someone what he does!"

I shook my head. He's not going home tonight.


It was midnight when he came into my room with teary eyes. "I cant sleep," He pleaded. As much as I didn't want to have a reputation of sleeping with co-workers, he was fragile.

Alex slowly climbed into my bed, curling up against me. I blushed furiously, glad the lights were off.

I wrapped my arm around his thin torso, pulling him a little closer to me. "Goodnight, Alex."

I smiled; He was already asleep.

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