real | hamlaf

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Alex and Laf walked through the endless trees, pointing out various animals.

Alexander smiled tangling his fingers with Lafayette's. The shorter quickly noticed the sky transcending to a darker color. "I should go home," Alex proclaimed with a frown.

"Why don't you just stay out with me tonight? You know... Have a little fun?" Laf smiled, stopping in their tracks. They separated hands.

Hamilton wrapped his hand around his left wrist, giving it a tight squeeze. "I don't know... My mom gets really anxious."

"Jesus, it's always about you and your foster mom," Lafayette sneered, crossing his arms.

Alexander frowned, feeling guilty. He hated to make Lafayette mad. Bad things happened when Lafayette got mad.

"Okay," He sighed, borderline scared. "One night."

Laf cheered up, grabbing Hamilton's hand. He dragged him further away.

Where they were going, nobody knew. Maybe around the world, maybe to the edge of it.

As they ran, Alex noticed a small pill bottle hiding behind a crowd of leaves.

« « « FLASHBACK » » »

Rachel, Alex's foster mother, placed the medication bottle down. She sat parallel to him, looking into his eyes with pity.

"Alexander, you can't keep this up," She sighed. "Lafayette isn't real. You're nearly 19 now. Please. Just let him go. Imaginary friends are getting a bit old, huh?"

Alex stood up, angrily shouting, "Lafayette is real!"


"No! Shut up! He's real! We've had experiences, Mom! Lafayette is real!"

Rachel paused, a small frown forming on her face. She grasped the medication bottle, showing it to Alex. "These are your new meds. One every morning and one every night."

Alexander sat back down, nodding.

« « « END» » »

"Alex?" Lafayette angrily growled, digging his nails into the smaller's wrist. Hamilton yelped, yanking his hand away from Laf's.

Lafayette's face contorted, and Alexander began to shake. He shook his head, silently pleading 'no.'

Lafayette raised his hand, making Hamilton crouch down and cower. Before impact hit, the smaller screamed, "You're not real!"

Alexander opened his eyes to see that he was in front of a lake. The forest was behind him. Lafayette was by his side.

The lake was serene and clear. "I'm not real, huh?" Lafayette scowled. "After all we've been through. I've lived, breathed, and loved you. Not real. Heh."

Alexander turned to him, as if expecting him to vanish into thin air. Instead, Lafayette bent down, hugging him.

Suddenly, the taller dug his nails into Alex's neck. "Kill yourself," He ordered, using a sharp tone of yelling.

Lafayette walked back into the forest, leaving Hamilton by the lake.

~two days later~

Rachel placed up the final missing sign, a smal tear escaping her eye.

Name: Alexander Hamilton
Height: 5'7"
Body Type: Slim
Eye Color: Violet Blue
Hair Color: Auburn
Skin Color: Fair
If found, please contact xxx-xxx-xxxx

She sighed, rubbing her temples. "Come back, Alex," She cried.

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